Chapter 27

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Lea's POV

A half an hour after Harry left, I received a text from Michael saying that he would pick me up at 7. I felt bad with the whole situation because it is unfair for both of them the way I act. I mean who kisses back a guy in the morning and in the evening goes out with another guy? I feel like a slut right now and I know that I don't deserve them. I wish I didn't have to choose because I don't like to be the type of girl that breaks someone's heart. But now, I haven't got a choice but to do this. I really hate myself right now for all the things I have done. But, I can't change the past and I'm willing to stop acting like this. I went downstairs to eat spaghetti sinking in my thoughts. After that I headed in my bedroom and I started studying.

It was a half past 5 when I finished with my homework and I headet to the bathroom to have a bath. After a half an hour I was out and I made my hair. I went to my closet and I decided to wear a pair of jeans and a purple jumper. I put on my boots and after I made sure that I took my phone, keys and purse with me, I headed downstairs in the living room and I opened the TV. I didn't undestand how fast the time passed until I received a text from Michael saying that he is here and that he waits of me. I opened the door and after I made sure that I locked the door, I headed to Michael's car where he was waiting for me.

I got in and Michael greeted me with a smile. "Are you ready to go?". I nodded and he started the car. The route to the place that we were heading was quiet and we were mostly listening to music. We were talking sometimes for random things such as movies, but nothing special. We reached to a park and we sat on a pickic table. There was a cafe nerby and Michael bought us hot chocolate and waffles with chocolate and biscuits. It was really beautiful here as you could see the children playing and running through the playground and parents laughing with their childrens' actions. Michael was the first one to broke the silence. "What are you looking at crazy girl?", he said looking at the same direction as me. "The children that play in the playground. They seem so happy and they have no worries. They are so happy with the most simple things". "Yes, they are. They are so lucky. So, how are you with everything?", Michael said changing the subject. "I'm fine" I said still looking at the playground. We didn't have to learn about each other because we already knew everything and I knew that we would have a mature conversation even if I wasn't prepared for it. "Lea, just tell me the truth. I know that something is bothering you". I looked at him and smiled because even though we knew each other only for 2 years, Michael was always the one who knew when I wasn't fine. I don't know if I made it so obvious to him or to everyone else, but he knew. That's why when I felt awful I was trying to avoid him as I knew that I couldn't hide from him. That he could read me again like an open book. But, I didn't avoid him because I didn't want to tell him everything, but because I wasn't the person that liked to disturb the others with her problems. Michael always made me feel better, he would hear me without judging me and he would accept me as I am.

"I have decided that it's time to put an end in this situation. I am so selfish for acting to both of you like this. I feel like I take advantage of you and like I play with your feelings. And I hate the fact that I have to break someone's heart. It hurts me that I will be the reason of someone's pain. I always wanted to be the one to make the others happy no matter how I feel, but I have failed completely. I am such an hypocrite and a slut". I didn't have to explain to Michael what I was talking about, because I knew that he would understand from the beginning as he always did. The bad thing with Michael is that I caught myself telling him everything without second thought every time that something was bothering me. I didn't know why I couldn't control it and that's what happened right now. "Hey crazy girl, stop telling all these things because they're lies. I chose to tell you how I feel for you when I knew that Harry was in the picture and I made the things more complicated for you. It's my fault and not yours. You're not selfish at all, instead you always put others' happiness above yours. Even on your birthday you were here when I was sad and I hadn't even wished you yet. You always try to make the others smile and feel better and you absolutely succeed it. You always make me better and I always want to talk to you. Do you know why?". "Because I talk to you, too?". Michael chuckled and continued "No crazy girl. I talk to you because you're the only one that you care, the only one that listens to me all the time, the only one that makes me laugh even when I am a mess, the only one that understands me and knows when something is wrong with me. I talk to you because you are my crazy girl". I was shocked when Michael finished his sweet speech. I have never thought that I meant so much to him. "I didn't know it tall guy". "I know. That's why I want you to think once yourself and to choose the one that you really like. I don't care if it's me, Harry or someone else as long as you're happy. Because you deserve it". We talked for a lot of time and it was already 11 pm when we headed back. "Thank you Michael, for everything". He smiled and he leaned closer to me. His lips brushed mine and he said "No. I. am. the. one. that. have. to. thank. you" kissing me every time he said a word and then he kissed me with everything he had before I get out of the car and go inside.

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* Aww, Michael is back for good. Who does prefer Team Michael? Let me know by commenting on this chapter.
* Don't forget to vote and comment. It is important to me.

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