Chapter 26: Drikener Wool

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Written by MalfoyWands


Endless, endless flat, barren landscape.

Stretching out as far as the eye can see.

After sipping a little mineral juice, which is simply genetically modified chemical water, I set out across the flat wasteland towards Clara's Kingdom. My teleporting to the Deviann world has become erratic, and it is hard for me to control where I land.

I sing to myself as I walk, trying to break the still silence that echoes around. I would do anything to fill that empty silence with birds tweeting, or children laughing as they play about happily, or just anything or anyone.

So I sing.

I know I'm flat- I know that I probably sound like a dying walrus, but I sing.

It helps to ease my crying heart, I've lost so much, my parents, my brother, my sister, my old best friend. Everyone and everything I know, gone. The human race, gone. And all of this suffering was a result of my family.

A human and a Deviann fell in love, which created a split between two universes and their unknowing great-great-great-great-great-great-granddaughter had to clear up the mess, being told by a freaking holographic computer programme. What a mess this world is.

A human and a Deviann fell in love. Love is love, people have said. If there is love strong enough to divide two dimensions, then that proves that hope must exist. Hope can bring the dimensions back together. Then Love and Hope can live in harmony.

With an optimistic mindset, I quicken my pace.

As the ground gets rougher, I know that I am nearing the palace. I round over the top of the hill and see the kingdom stretched below me. Old houses, that families used to be happy in, now empty. Deserted. Dead. The whole world is dead. And silent. The fifty or so remaining families stay silent in their homes.

I walk through the streets that were thriving only a few years ago. I wander into a house, looking for food or mineral juice and the door is unlocked. I walk through the hallway into a child's playroom. The only thing missing is a child.

I wander into the kitchen and find little, only a couple of packets of chemical food paste that tastes disgusting.

Walking up the stairs, I smell a unfamiliar smell and follow it into an room. Inside, on the double bed, are two bodies of a man and woman that are rotting.

They are holding hands.

Whatever they died of, it was a long time ago. The only thing that has survived is love. Undying love.

The stench that wafts from the dead bodies overwhelms me and I stumble backwards into a wardrobe. The fragile item of flat-pack furniture falls straight onto the dead bodies, and I hear as their bones crack under the weight.

Feeling nauseous, I stagger downstairs, out onto the deserted streets of the kingdom.

Walking at a fast pace towards the palace, I hear a scuffling behind me. Immediately, I spin around, scanning the street cautiously.

I do a double take when I see a young child, sad and malnourished, on the street behind me. He's wearing torn clothes and has dirt crusted upon his face.

Through this crisis, I still have a heart though, and I hitch him up onto my hip. He starts crying.

"Where's my mummy?" He weeps onto my shoulder. It breaks my heart to see him so sad that he doesn't know that his mother is dead, and he too, will probably be dead soon.

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