Chapter 8: Confessions and Mistakes

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Written by pen-to-the-paper


I watch my first ever friend get taken away. I could've saved her, hidden her, stopped them taking her, but no, I was selfish. I just watched.

As soon as she turns a corner and I can't see her any more, I realise the mistake that I've made, by letting her go, just by a snap of a finger.

The realisation causes the tears to start streaming down my cheeks and I know I have lost my first ever friend in less than forty-eight hours.

My heart aches with the pain of my mistake and I know I can't stay with the orphans. Not when I let her go.

I am different, the only one who understands me is now gone, she gave herself up to them. Yet maybe it was best for her. She was raised a princess, then a queen, she wouldn't be able to cope in the wasteland.

I feel more alone than ever, and I know I shouldn't be here with these people, I have to be with the Deviann. But I can't so my next best option is to be alone. And that's what I decide.

I walk out of the back door and start my journey - alone.


"Oi, Carina!" I turn around to see Dylan sprinting as fast as he can towards me from the house, leaving the rest of the orphans milling around by the door. I don't want to be around anyone, so I run away from him. I could easily beat him, but I trip over a rock and land face-first, grazing my nose.

He reaches where I lay, and helps me into a sitting position. He takes a very small frayed red bag from his pocket and takes out a wipe. He gently cleans up my wound and offers a hand out to me to help me up.

I don't take it.

I climb to my feet and he speaks to me with concern.

"Carina. You're one of Daisy's only friends, but you have decided to run away from her. We have to stay together for her to find us. Come back. Please."

"I'm sorry Dylan, I can't. I don't belong with you. I belong alone." I say, my head looking at the harsh dead ground beneath me.

"You're being foolish! You barely have enough supplies to last three days, and there's nothing out there. You're just going to die."

"At least I would die alone, not with you." I reply bitterly.

"Look, I know that you don't like me very much, and I can't say that's unrequited, but we have to stick together for Daisy - I mean Clara's sake."

And it's the determination and desperation in his voice that manages to persuade him to tag along with me.

We carry on walking. Together. In silence.


"What made you come with me?" I ask Dylan, trying to keep a conversation going.

"Daisy. I mean Clara - Queen Clara. She needs us two to stay together."

"Well quite frankly, I don't want to be with you."

"Neither would I to be completely honest, but I'm doing it for her."

I read his expression and suddenly see there is something that he is holding back. "There's something else too, isn't there?"

"There's nothing else." He dismisses with a wave of his hand.

"Are you really going to try to lie to me Dylan?" I ask, my eyebrows raised.

He sighs and finally gives in. "Carina, you see, in short period of time that I've known her, I think- I have grown to like her. A lot."

And from that statement I realise that maybe it was me who made the mistake of leaving them all, and dragging Dylan into it. Maybe I'm the bad one.

A/N sorry for short chapter, I'm really busy and had to write this with about 5% charge, sorry again.xx

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