Chapter 7: Tears like Fire

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Written by FuturePresentPast

Carina Starlae. Just like the stars.

She is beautiful in a weird way, once we've washed away the red paint and she's changed into something more... human. She speaks like she's the happiest person on Earth. Like her dreams are all coming true at once.

"It was amazing- they all live in caves and thy look like the myths say- like devils. And they have animals, Pegicorns and black and red bees, except the bees had all gone missing. And they have these rituals where they sacrifice people and-"

"Carina will you shut up just for a minute?" I am tired of her going on like this.

I mean it's kinda amazing that she went to wherever the Deviann live but I can't deal with all this stress. I thought being out in the real world was going to be relaxing, but this kid is creeping me out, "Wait your chest is bleeding oh my God Dylan!"

"No I'm fine really-"

"Dylan we need a doctor she's hurt real bad!"

"No seriously!" she screams over my panicked voice, "This is how I got into the Deviann's world. I stabbed myself in the heart and woke up there. I didn't realise I was still bleeding from it but I swear I'm fine."

Then Dylan runs in, carrying rolls of bandages in one hand and a bag of antiseptic wipes in the other. You said you needed a doctor?"

"Oh- it's fine now. She's fine," I can't help feeling slightly awkward- I seriously overreacted back there- but laugh. Dylan looks ridiculous, and I realise it's the first time I've laughed properly since my father died.

He would want this.

The three of us roll around laughing until my sides feel like they're splitting in half, Carina is rolling around on the floor, and Dylan has dropped the bandages and has to hold onto the wall for support.

We are resting for a while in an abandoned bungalow. What I didn't realise when I tagged along with Dylan and his friends was that a) they were runaway orphans, and b) they weren't just having fun, they were actually on the run. Well, not on the run, but they never stayed in one place for more than one night. When Carina appeared, we broke into the first empty house we found.

There are about twelve of them, I think. Eleven if you don't count Dylan. Five girls and six boys. Then there's me and Carina. Most of the other orphans are in the kitchen, sitting on the worktops and the table and generally having fun. We've spread out the mattresses, blankets, and pillows all over the top floor so everyone has somewhere half- decent to sleep tonight.

I feel, laughing here with Dylan and Carina, that I finally have real friends. Friends who would risk their lives to save me if they had to. Friends I can rely on and laugh with and tell secrets. It feels great.

Sometimes, though, Carina will snap at Dylan with obvious looks of distaste, but I try to ignore the hard feelings.

I look into Dylan's eyes, which are red and watery from laughing, and suddenly the world seems to slow down for a second. All I see are Dylan's deep blue eyes. Spinning, swirling, so beautiful...

What? What was that? Was I...

I'm going mad. Maybe I've been so deprived of company that my body can't cope. Maybe I'm just antisocial like that.

The world is spinning in normal time now, and Dylan didn't seem to notice my little... thing. He stands up, and walks into the kitchen.

"Guys, time for bed yeah? We've got another long day tomorrow, and we need sleep."

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