I walked into office having to hold my breath because of the putrid smell. No one was in the office either. I went to the bookshelf and turned the knob that was on one of the books. A loud door opened, making me flinch, leading to a staircase that went up. I went in first and Liv followed suit with her back turned to me so she could keep watch of anyone coming up the stairs. We had reached the library and I realized why it was so quiet in the house. Mostly everyone was in the damn library. Liv and I quickly ran behind a pillar.

"Damn this place is bigger than ours." She stated, making me chuckle.

"Shh, we aren't the only ones here with heightened hearing. Let's just find the books and get out of here." I ran to the next pillar but accidentally stepped on a creaking floorboard.

"Who's there?" Ryder growled. I cursed at myself for making noise. I ran to another pillar and an arrow flew right by my head.

I looked over at Liv, she nodded her head as if she knew what o was planning. I came out from behind the pillar just as an arrow was flying at me. I caught it right before it hit my chest.

"Oh my god! Mackenzie!" Ryder cheered. Great, he's actually happy to see me. Whatever, I had to keep everyone busy while Liv looked for some books.

"Ryder I finally escaped that place. Oh my god everyone was trying to kill me and-and." I fake stuttered, wanting to roll my eyes.

"I'm just glad your okay, and that you chose the right side." Ryder said. I went down the stairs only to be engulfed in a hug by all my old friends. I wanted to puke, but I had to keep this up. I looked over at Liv who was still searching for more books.

"You won't even know how miserable I was without you here. I was about to go crazy." Ryder said as everyone let go.

"I was miserable too." I said. Ryder leaned in for a kiss and I wanted to slap him, but I had to play along. I kissed him. He pulled me closer to him and I was engulfed with the smell of alcohol. Shit, he really was miserable without me. I had opened my eye while he was still kissing me  to check on Liv. She gave me a thumbs up saying that she had gotten all she needed.

I started to laugh. Ryder broke away and looked at me weirdly.

"What wrong Mack?" He asked as I was still laughing.

"Nothing, just that you are all so gullible." I said and laughed really loud.

"What?" Piper said.

"I didn't mean anything I said. It was a distraction so she could get what I needed." I said and looked over at Liv who seemed to be laughing as well. I jumped backwards doing a little flip before landing on the second floor of the library. Shock was spread across everyone's faces.

I smirked. "Let's go Liv." I said and she handed me a few books before we ran out. We were both chuckling about how well our plan worked out.

We reached the top of the stairs and bolted out the window jumping down to meet the guys not where we left them. We looked around and saw nothing.

"Boo!" Cole said as he poked both sides of me. I jumped forward and laughed. Liv was laughing as well. I threw a few books at him for him to hold.

"C'mon, let's go back before they come out. I kinda made a big scene in there."

"What did you do?" Cole asked.

"I'll tell you later but we gotta go." Right as I said that Ryder jumped out the window and was right in front of me. He was in his wolf form and his eyes were gold and i knew Jasper was in control, and something tells me he's mad.

"Cole let's go now before he rips your heads off." I said calmly backing away. Jasper growled and I shooed them back. I heard a swoosh of air knowing that they had ran off before turning around and making my own whisp of air. I heard leaves crunching behind me and i knew that Jasper was following me. Cole appeared right beside me running. He grabbed my hand and he jumped up shooting us fifty feet in the air. We landed in a tree and began hopping from tree to tree.

Surprisingly we still had the books in our hands. As I was approaching a long jump to another tree I ended up feeling weak and fell in the middle of the trees. Right before I hit the ground Cole had caught me. In a bridal style hold he ran all the way back to the castle.

I could barely keep my eyes open but I heard the chatter and rush of people reading through books to try and find something on how to get blood in my system. I was lying on a couch in the main living room  so I wouldn't be out of Coles sight, since that was where everyone was reading.

I winced at the sudden pain in my stomach. Cole came to my side placing his hand on my face.

"It hurts." I cried, a single tear falling down my cheek, but Cole wiped it away.

"I know baby, I know. We're gonna help, you'll be okay." Cole whispered soothingly.

"I'm hungry." I whispered. My eyes were feeling heavy and sleep was welcoming me in. I really wanted to go, but I knew i shouldn't.

"What if I give her my blood?" Cole suggested.

"From what this book is saying, you can, but-." Stephanie paused.

"But what Stephanie!" Cole yelled, stepping away from me.

"If she rejects a vampires blood it could kill her." Stephanie finished.

"I'm not taking that chance." Cole said. "Keep reading."

"I found something!" Ash said pointing to a page in the book.

"What is it?" He asked.

"It's some sort of passage but it's in a language I don't know." Ash said.

"Let me see." Liv said.

"I know this, it's old but I've know about it since I was little." Liv explained.

"Well what does it say?"

"It says that being a hybrid has nothing to do with rejecting blood. There's something else." Liv said.

I heard a heartbeat as if it was on point as soon as Liv said that.

"What was that?" Liv asked. Her head turing towards me.

I heard it again.

"Who's is that?" Ash asked.

"Her baby's." Kendrick exclaimed.

Cliffhanger! Okay chapter is up, hope you liked it. I'm sorry for not updating sooner but this chapter took awhile for me to write.

Do y'all like the new Mackenzie or do you hate her? Please let me know :)

Also the picture is of Cole.

Vote, Comment and Share! Xoxo :D

-Erin <3

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