I know that coming here on Earth to find true love is the right thing to do to see if it is the cure after all on Venus none of us Venusians have ever had true love.

The reason I am here and not searching for love on Venus is because I already have my marriage to Prince Aaron planned plus I am a princess there is no way they would let their princess go off alone in search of something that doesn't exist on our planet.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize we had reached our destination.

I looked at Noah and he looked at me, he sighed deeply before starting. "Back in freshman year of high school Hannah was popular." 

I nodded waiting for him to continue his story.

He sighed again "I wasn't so popular, I was a nerd. I was assigned to tutor Hannah with math and I guess we hit it off from there. Hannah didn't care about the status quo shit and we started dating. She was my first love, during sophomore year we were the power couple I guess everyone knew us we were popular. Our anniversary of one year was coming up and I wanted to surprise her so I left a note in her locker to meet me for a picnic in the park."

Something tells me the story is about to get bad.

"She never showed up so I went to her house to see if she was there only to see my so called girlfriend slash the love of my life screwing Kevin Daniels."

So that's why he hates Kevin so much, Kevin was the reason for their breakup.

"I was heartbroken and I broke up with her. She cheated on me with Kevin during the summer going into sophomore year. A few weeks later she moved away and I decided to make some drastic changes in my life so I became the player. I'm better of this way I don't want to fall in love ever again, I did once and my heart got ripped out. Lucky for me I didn't go through my heart break alone Jacob changed schools and started coming to our school junior year. Together we ruled the school and now senior year we still rule the school but-"

I cut him off "Hannah's back."

He nodded "Yeah Hannah's back."

I felt so bad for him, in that moment I realized Noah didn't become the player for fun he did it because he's been hurt before and he wanted a change.

I couldn't help but lean over and hug him "I'm so sorry Noah, so sorry." I whispered.

He pulled away and looked at me "It's okay Lexi it's not your fault and I'm sorry once again for yelling at you."

I smiled "You’re forgiven." 

I sighed should I tell him about my talk with Hannah?

I looked at Noah and sighed "I've got something to tell you Noah."

He nodded urging me to continue.


Here goes nothing...


"I had a talk with Hannah before I saw you." Lexi said giving me a worried glance.

I sighed I should've guessed Hannah went to talk to Lexi, she was always the jealous type. Which means she wants me back, ha! Like that's going to happen!

"What did she say?" I asked already knowing the answer.

Lexi sighed before replying "She said that she wants you back and she doesn't want me getting in the way. She told me how she was your first love and how you don't want a petty virgin like me, you want a real woman someone good in bed." She said looking down "Don't blame her after all you did ditch me before to sleep with Riley."

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