"Hey I'm talking to you!" They yelled once more.

Feeling really annoyed and wanting to tell them off I turned around my mouth open and ready but when I turned my voice was stuck in my throat.

I closed my mouth shut shocked.

It was that girl from Noah's house...

She followed me here...

Damn my luck!


"Noah hunny!" I heard my mom call my name.

I turned around and leaned against the front door "Yes mom!?"

She came out from the kitchen and walked over to me "Where is Lexi?"

I sighed "She left mom."

My mom gasped "What!? Why!? I heard yelling what happened in here?"

I sighed "She was trying to get into my business so I yelled at her and she left."

My mom sighed "Oh that poor girl! Noah Lucas Finley I understand that you are upset with Hannah for what she did to you and now that she's back it brings back some buried feelings but you do not take your anger out on Lexi! That poor girl you will be lucky is she decides to stay your girlfriend after the way you acted!" My mom scolded me.

I rolled my eyes, yes she's my mother and I love her but she doesn't understand anything. It's not like I meant any harm when I yelled at Lexi but she is sensitive so I guess I should have been more considerate but my anger took over it really isn't my fault.

"Noah I want you to go find that girl and apologize, NOW!" My mom yelled.

I looked outside "Mom no offense but its dark out, it’s supposed to snow and its cold you expect me to find her now?"

My mom nodded her head, stubborn female "Yes I do, you brought her here and you are bringing her back home! I can't believe you would just let that poor girl walk outside alone with just a sweater on!"

I sighed "Fine I'll go look for her." I said putting on my jacket and shoes. I opened the door only to have a hand put on my shoulder.

I turned only to come face to face with my father. "Dad." I said in an annoyed tone, he is sort of the reason our dinner went awkwardly with all of his questions I was really surprised when Lexi stood up to him.

What surprised me was that for the first time in what I know is a long time my dad cracked a smile at me, a genuine one not a sarcastic one or a fake one, a real one.

"Son I know you and I haven't been the closest and I also know I've been a real strict jerk. I just want to say that I'm proud of you for getting a girlfriend as nice as Lexi. I know it hasn't been easy because of Hannah and now that she's back it must be even harder and me being a jerk to you wasn't helping and I'm sorry for that. I just wanted to say I'm proud of you and I hope with some time left we can try and rebuild our father son relationship."

This time it was my turn to smile, he was proud of me! Wow.

But then as always reality hits me Lexi and me aren't really dating.

Damn the time my dad is actually proud of me it's only a lie.

I suddenly realized what I said to Lexi, it hurt her, and I hurt her not only once but twice.

She gave me another chance and I blew it she isn't going to forgive me this time.

Now that my mind was thinking about Lexi I couldn't care less about what my dad said.

"I have to go dad, we can finish this up later!" I said and without waiting for another word I was out the door.

I know I said I wouldn't go chasing after Lexi and begging for her forgiveness but this time it feels like if I don't I'll lose her forever and I don't want that.

Like I said I may not want a relationship with her but I do have feelings for her.

I really hope the kids at school don't see me doing this.


"Finally!" The girl yelled walking closer to me.

I just stood there; I have no idea what to say, I mean what do you say?

"Are you going to speak?" She asked as she gave me a smirk, a smirk I wanted to rip off.

"Who are you?" I said confidently which surprised me since I seriously thought I lost my voice.

She smirked wider "Hannah Evelyn, Noah's ex girlfriend and you are?"

Hannah, so that's her name and she's his ex girlfriend she must have done something to Noah because his welcome home to her was not very pleasant. "Lexianna Kingsley but call me Lexi." I said eying the girl before me, I can see why Noah liked her she's beautiful, more beautiful than me.

Whoa Lexi stop it this is not the time to be insecure!

"I'm his currant girlfriend." I said smirking, okay so it was a lie but hey if it will make her back off and leave me alone so be it not to mention if she knows Noah's parents then it would blow our cover since they think I'm with Noah.

"That's funny." She smirked "Because I asked Noah if you were and he said you were just another girl that he has kissed before."

Okay um I'll admit that stung I'm wounded but I won't back down, I don't need another Riley trying to bring me down like a little girl! "Of course he would say that, why would Noah want you to know?"

She shrugged rolling her eyes "I assume you've never heard of me, it explains why you were asking and why Noah yelled at you."

I clenched my fists together as they started shaking yup back to orange-red. I'm angry. She just had to bring up that fight just reminding me what an idiot I am for trusting Noah. 

She took another step closer "You have no idea what happened between Noah and I do you?"

I shook my head; the last thing I want is to actually say something I'll regret later on.

She smirked "Good because you don't need to know, the last thing I need is another slut reminding Noah what happened so he'll never take me back."


I wanted to punch her in the face! She deserved it! So that's what she wants, she wants Noah back of course it shouldn't be a big surprise I mean Noah is gorgeous.

"Listen up Lexi and listen close, Noah is mine I had him first he loved me first and you are nothing but a slut that shows Noah why he needs me back. I bet your nothing but a petty virgin you have nothing to offer! Noah needs a woman like me to fulfill his needs not some stupid little girl who can barely stand on her own two feet!" She yelled smirking with satisfaction.

Don't rip her head off Lexi.

Don't rip her head off Lexi.

Don't rip her head off Lexi.

It won't be good if I do that. It won't.

Deep breaths, inhale and exhale.

Oh my jumpers I wanted to kill her! Rip that brown ponytail off her head until she screams! 

I stood there trying to calm myself down when the nark walked closer until she was up in my face oh my god can I please kill her?

"I'm only warning you once back off of Noah." And with that she pushed past me and was on her way.

The nerve of this girl! The freaking nerve of her! I thought Riley was bad but her she's worse!

I seriously considered turning around and tackling her to the ground but I didn't because a car pulled up right where I was standing.

"Get in!" They yelled rolling down the window.

It was Noah, wow speak of the devil...

~Hate Hannah, don't you guys?~Sam~

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