Suddenly what was on the screen thing changed into something else. The movie said 'The Hunger Games' and I was just so fascinated.

I wanted to ask Noah about it but I'm pretty sure it would blow my whole cover because I'm sure in Canada they know what these things are.

"I'm going to go make some popcorn, I'll be back." Noah said standing up and headed out of the room.

I have heard of this popcorn before but never tried it, on Venus we have cornpop, cheesy I know.

When Noah returned he handed me a bowl and I instantly dug in.

"Holy jumpers this is good!" I yelled instantly regretting it. "I uh mean this uh flavor." I said trying to act cool.

Noah smiled and nodded at me.

Oh lord it's only been half an hour into the day and already I've learned so much more about humans and Earth.

Now I just need to figure out who is the best key to the cure.


It was nearing the end of the movie and I was barely paying attention. It was at the part where Katniss to show Peeta that she cares for him leans in and kisses him. That sappy crap.Hey did you know their couple name would be Peeniss, ha that's funny if you ask me! What kind of stupid name is that?

I heard sniffling beside me and turned to see Lexi crying. I sighed why are girls so emotional?

"Lex, why are you crying?" I asked rolling my eyes.

She sighed wiping some of her tears "It's just so sweet! She finally likes him but still can't be with him because of the whole Hunger games! It's just so stupid for trying to tear them apart!" She yelled.

I sighed "Lexi it's just a movie."

She shook her head "No it's not! It shows you real love! A love that isn't forced or arranged! Where I come they need to be taught this." She muttered bitterly.

"Well I've never been to Canada but it seems very different from here, of course from what you say."

She nodded muttering "Right Canada..."

We both continued to watch the movie all the way until the end. Lexi was jumping up and down as soon as it ended "Oh my gosh! When does the second movie come out!?"

I chuckled "I'm not sure this movie is new still so not yet sorry Lex."

She sighed "They should hurry up."

I laughed but instantly stopped when I heard the door open and two people step inside.

Shit! My parents are home!

"Noah?" My mom asked when she spotted me.

My dad gave me a look saying 'I know exactly what you did.' I gulped he knew about me getting suspended.

My mom looked at Lexi and smiled "Hello there, are you Noah's girlfriend?"

Lexi smiled "Yes I am!"

"Really!?" My dad and I said in unison, my dad shot me a suspicious glance and I cowered "I uh mean yeah she's my girlfriend."

My mom smiled "That's great! You've finally gotten over Hannah! What is your name dear?"

"Lexianna Kingsley but call me Lexi." Lexi said politely.

My mom smiled "We'll Lexi how would you like to stay for dinner?"

Lexi's face lit up "I would love to Mrs. Finley!"

My mom nodded before walking into the kitchen. Lexi smiled at my dad "You must be Mr. Finley it's nice to meet-"

My dad cut her off "I'll be in my office." He walked off and I clenched my jaw tightly. How could he just do that to Lexi!?

Lexi turned to me and smiled "Your family seems nice."

I sighed before smirking. "So I'm your boyfriend now?"

She nodded her head in confusion "Yeah, you're a guy and you are my friend so boyfriend." She said and my smirk just grew wider.

"You do realize boyfriend and girlfriend means we are dating right?"

Her eyes widened "No I did not know that."

I smirked "Too late now because my parents think we're dating."

She sighed "What have I done."

I smirked putting my arm around her "Oh Lexianna I always knew you were in love with me and finally you admit it and to my parents too you must really like me."

She rolled her eyes "Don't get too cocky it's not my fault I didn't know."

I rolled my eyes "Uh huh sure Lex just keep telling yourself that."

She smacked my chest "Oh shut up."

This is going to be an interesting dinner.

~Drama is coming up, stay tuned!~Sam~

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