I practically I ran to him "Hey Noah!" I yelled.

He looked at me and sighed "What do you want Lexi?" I rose my eyebrow at him, just this morning he was begging me to forgive him and now he doesn't even care. Human boys confuse me.

"I've decided to forgive you." I said while he rolled his eyes "Look I'm not really interested in talking about this now."

I sighed why is he acting like this? "What happened to your lip?" I asked and then I noticed his eye was purple "And why is you eye purple?"

He sighed "If you must know last night when I fought Kevin he gave me a black eye. It's not purple." Ohhh so that's what it's called, didn't make sense since it looked purple.

"And I'm guessing you heard two people got in a fight." He said as I nodded "Well it was me and Kevin."

I gasped, did he get in a fight for me? "Noah did you get in a fight for me?" I asked.

He scoffed and shook his head "I didn't do it for you, Kevin has been asking for it for a long time after what he did and him trying to rape you just added something else to the list of hate I have for the guy."

I nodded but all I could think about was what he said "What he did to me." What did he do? Maybe that's why Kevin got all freaked and snapped at me!? I have to find this out now! "What did he did he do to you?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes "None of your business now if you'll excuse me I have to leave the school I've been suspended."

My jaw dropped "What!? What's that!?" It didn't sound good whatever it was.

He sighed in frustration "You say you came from Canada yet you don't know what suspension is, wow you're a goodie goodie." I rolled my eyes and waited for him to explain "Basically I have three days that I can't come to school for."

"Like a vacation?" I asked and he sighed.

"Sure like a vacation except not a good one."

"Oh." I mumbled "I don't get it why do that isn't that stupid I mean you take a kid off school for being bad shouldn't you make sure they stay in school?" I asked utterly confused.

Noah nodded "I agree but I don't make the rules, see you Lexi."

"Bye." I mumbled before starting to make my way to the lunch room when I stopped, Noah never did say anything about me forgiving him.

I turned around only to see Riley leaning against Noah by a few lockers. I wanted to rip her head of her body! Just seeing her made me remember why I almost got raped it was because of her if she never showed up at the party then Noah would have stayed!

Without thinking I charged up to them feeling my hands shake knowing they were changing into my angry orange and red colour.

Without thinking my hand was wrapped around Riley's wrist while I flung her off of Noah.

Oh no, what is wrong with me?


I was walking away from Lexi when Riley came from around the corner smirking.

She leaned over me pushing me into some lockers, I rolled my eyes I thought she was mad at me?

She smirked "Hey No-ah!" I rolled my eyes "I've missed you!" She whispered.

I sighed "Riley aren't you supposed to be mad, I mean I slept with you to just let out my anger just face it I'm a jerk."

She smirked "Oh Noah, oh baby you know I can never stay mad! Beside word is you got suspended which means you and I can have a lot me fun now." She whispered seductively.

I rolled my eyes and was about to speak when out of nowhere Riley was flung off my body reviling an angry Lexi.

Her face was so red even I was a little scared. She flung Riley to the ground and growled at her "What are you doing!?" She screeched.

Riley stood up and rolled her eyes "Asking Noah if he wants to come over and have some fun with me like last night because obviously he didn't have much fun with you!"

Lexi slapped her across the face "You are such a nark!"

"Nark?" Riley and I said in unison.

Lexi's cheek flamed red and she looked down "Just a word from uh Canada! You don't need to understand! Just understand this Riley!" She yelled looking up and giving her a death stare "Noah only sleeps with because you're willing, Noah will never like you the way you want him to because your way too easy. Noah likes a challenge like me. Your just a girl he goes to have a good time."

Tears started falling from Riley's eyes before she ran away.

Lexi sighed "I feel bad now."

I shook my head "No that was awesome." I told her honestly.

"Really?" She asked smiling at me.

"Really." I nodded.

She smiled "So does this mean you're not mad at me anymore?"

"Only if I'm forgiven for leaving you at the party."

She smiled "Deal."

"Why don't you ditch the rest of the day with me? It seems like you need it and I will probably feel alone at home."

"Are we allowed?" She asked worried. I sighed I forgot she's a goody two shoes.

"It's fine if they don't find out." I told her.

She nodded "Alright then let's go."

I took her hand in mine as we headed out of school.

I smiled I'm really falling for this girl and it's not a good thing.

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