Lexi moved back into her seat blushing and looking down.

The jerks who tapped on the window whistled at us before walking away. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair letting out a sigh "Looks like this whole friend thing will be harder than we thought."

Lexi giggled and muttered "I don't mind."

I gave her a slight smile and said "Come on."

We both got out of the car and I took her hand in mine before walking inside Kevin's huge mansion.

Let the games begin.


Noah held onto my hand as he guided us through the party. This is so exciting my first real party with a bunch of humans!

I smiled while looking at Noah he was like my big bodyguard which made me smile remembering what happened in his car.

Kissing Noah felt amazing, all of those other times I never really got to enjoy them because I was always too shocked to speak not to mention angry because he would do that.

Now actually letting him kiss me it was beautiful, it felt natural like we were meant to be, like we were two puzzle pieces that matched.

I sighed, I am such a hopeless romantic! Kissing Noah in his car made me realize something... Noah isn't going to help me find who I am looking for to be the cure because Noah is that person!

He is the one! He was there all along, right in front of my face and I don't care if he just wants to be friends I am going to get him to fall in love with me if it’s the last thing I do!


I spotted Jacob, Harry and Finn hanging out by the snack table with one girl hooked around each of their arms. I chuckled and yelled out to Lexi "Come on!"

She nodded showing me that she understands and I held her hand leading her over towards them.

"Yo dude!" Jacob called towards me when he saw me walking over.

I smirked and let go of Lexi's hand to do my handshake with Jacob.

Harry raised an eyebrow at Lexi and smirked "Well, well, well Noah who do we have here?"

Lexi blushed and looked down shyly, adorable I swear. "This is Lexi."

"Ah!" Finn yelled out "The new girl."

Lexi nodded her head and smiled "Nice to meet you guys, what are your names?"

Jacob was the first to stick out his hand making his lady friend scoff and walk away.

Lexi shook his hand and he flashed her a smile "I'm Jacob and those two idiots are Harry and Finn." He said pointing them out.

"Hey!" Harry and Finn yelled in unison but Jacob was focused on the girl that walked away from him "Marissa come on!" He yelled walking after her.

We all chuckled when I spotted Kevin glaring at me from across the room. I smirked and grabbed Lexi's hand "We'll be right back." I said to the guys before approaching Kevin.

He glared at me and gulped down the rest of his drink which I assume was beer before walking up to me. 

"I didn't invite you Finley!" He spat at me.

I rolled my eyes "Last I heard it was an open invite Daniels!" I spat back.

His eyes looked at Lexi then back at me and I smirked "Oh sorry Kev how rude of me, have you met my date Lexi?"

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