Once I reached the top I looked around not a sign of anyone in the hall until I heard a loud bang coming from the bathroom. Would Noah cheat on me? What no of course not defiantly not on our three month anniversary!

Another bang came from the bathroom and I couldn’t take it anymore and barged right in.

At first I couldn’t breathe and started to hyperventilate.

There was a guy with his lips hooked onto a blonde’s and they both weren’t any random people. It was Riley and Noah, my Noah.

Tears started to spill out of my eyes when I yelled out “What the hell are you doing!?”

They both sprang apart, I caught Riley with her shirt slightly raised and instantly felt disgusted and upset. I couldn’t take it and ran out of there, I had to get out.

Noah was cheating on me. I should have known. He stole my virginity and I let him and now I was the one getting burned.

~Lexi, Present day~

As Gabriella told the story I couldn't help but feel really bad for her.

“So how did you two break up? Like make it official?” I asked.

She sighed and shrugged “You know the usual after you catch your boyfriend cheating they chase after you but this time it wasn’t to ask for my forgiveness. He told me he was getting bored with me and that handling a relationship is too much and that you can’t do what you want. He said that it was all a game and that he never even liked me.”

I walked over and hugged her as tight as I could. Spencer joined us after and we just stood there in a group hug, nothing breaking us apart until the bell rung.

I have class with Noah now. Great and I gotta see him tonight, even better.

Man Lexi how are you going to get yourself out of this one?


Class started a few minutes ago and Lexi still hasn't come in yet.

Our teacher looked at us all noticing the missing spot next to me "Mr. Finley who is your seating buddy?"

"Lexianna." I said hoping she wouldn't get too mad that Lexi wasn't here yet. I'm sure she just got lost in the halls.

Our teacher noted something down in her notes and looked back up at me "Do you know where she is?"

I shook my head "No but maybe she got lost in the halls I mean she is still pretty new to the school."

Our teacher nodded and tried to respond when Lexi came in barging through the doors yelling "I am so sorry I'm late!"

"It's ok Miss Kingsley just take your seat." Our teacher spoke.

Lexi nodded and dropped her bag down next to her and took her seat next to me.

She looked stunned, like she heard something she shouldn't have.

Oh no is Gabriella telling her more stories about me!?

Mental note remember to talk to Gabriella about keeping her mouth shut.

Lexi leaned in to me and whispered "Look I don't think we can hang out tonight."

"Ok what did Gabriella tell you." I whispered harshly just thinking about what she said made me angry.

Lexi shook her head "That has nothing to do with Gabbie."

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