The Next Day

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Venus POV

I was sitting in homeroom thinking about the sex and waiting for Olivia.

"I got your text... What's wrong?" she asked.

"What if I told you I had lost something inportant to me?"



"Wow you and Justin... you lost your v card to Justin? Was it bad?"

"Painful of coarse but I didn't want him to touch me afterwards because I was so messed up"

"It's over now Venus"

"But I can't get it back... Remember Lyfe Jennings S. E. X think before you let it go... I didn't think I just let it go " I told her.

"Wow" she said hugging me.

Justin POV

Trey, Shaq, Sean and myself were all in gym playing basketball. I knew they had some questions for me.

"Yea Just was deep in that shit" Trey told me.

"Nigga yo ass was at the door listening" Shaq told Trey.

"Now that's foul Travon Livingston" I told him.

"Yea nigga" Sean told Trey.

"That was happens when niggas don't get none" Shaq told Trey.

"Man fuck you... I get pussy" Trey told Shaq.

"Yea if was animal called a cat" I told Trey.

After gym I went over by Venus' locker.

"Hey" she said hugging me.

"How's things going?"

"Fine thanks for asking... but it was last bight in the van"

"What about Venus?" I asked.

"We were safe? Like 100% safe? Right? I never even you know until last night" I asked him.

"Yes we were"

(Flashbacks of Justin on top of Venus and she looks uncorfortable)


I was in study hall with my headphones in and Olivia comes by and pulls them out my ear.

"Got a minute?" she asked.

"Yea? What's up?" I asked her.

"Venus and her virginity... she might punched the shit out me but I can tell you she wasn't ready"

"How you know that?"

"Look how is acting she barely wanted you to touch afterwards because she wasn't ready"

"Wow I feel terrible"

Olivia POV

I walked over to Kassidy at lunch.

"Hey Kass"

"Livia what up?"

"Venus lost her virginity last and she is feeling down about it"

"To who?"

"Who else?"

"What the fuck?"

Venus POV

I was walking to the car and Kassidy stopped me.

"Venus don't tell me you slept with Justin last night!"

"I wish I could then I would be lying so..."

"So... why? Why? Did you get drunk blacked the fuck out?" she asked me.

"Who told you? Only that know is... Livia"

"I am your sister you tell me before anything happens because I would've been there"

She hugged me.

"I regret it I didn't want him to touch me afterwards"

"It's okay" she told me.

I was lying in my bed and the door opened it was Justin. I stood up and hugged him and he kissed me.


"Olivia told me"

"Gosh she told Kassidy too"

"I really wish you would've told me"

"It was hard Justin... I imagined this moment since I was little... never knew it would be in the back of a van" I told him.

"I want the sex on hold because it bests for us"

This story is inspired by the episode of Degrassi: The Next Generation called "Heart of glass" when Allia Bhandari played by Melinda Shankar loses her virginity at 14 in a van in the revevine to Johnny DiMarco and regret it.

@Shawna1215 I published another part

Thank you for reading my stories.

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