Ten: Dieci [re-written 21/03/21]

Start from the beginning

"Your family is not so small," he uttered cruelly. "You're a part of my family now."

When she turned in his arms to spear him with her narrowed gaze, he merely stared right back at her with an impassive expression.

"And you think that excuses you from controlling when I can and cannot see my aunt, cousins, grandfather and father?"

"You're at odds with Antonio now anyway, aren't you? It's no loss if you don't see him for a while."

Arrogant. An infuriating, arrogant bastard.

Liliana refrained from shouting the words aloud, her fingers curled into tight fists at her sides as she raised her chin and stared right into his dark eyes with a sneer curled on her lip.

She didn't dare speak to him, knowing she would be unable from saying anything but nastiness and fearing and having the good sense to fear his fury because of it. So she remained in tight lipped silence, schooling her angered expression and barely bothered to glance at him for the remainder of their entire journey to New York.

It wasn't until they were at last stepping off of Marcello's private plane that he finally broke his own silence.

"Try to keep your fury to yourself," Marcello said beneath his breath as he took her arm and led her to the tarmac in what she assumed was meant to appear as an intimate gesture between two newly-weds. "We wouldn't want anyone to realise how much you already despise me."

Liliana scoffed but otherwise made no sound of response. In the near distance she could see a sleek black Audi awaiting them, and she recognised Sebastiano's figure beside it.

As they approached, she turned to offer Marcello a bitter smile, teeth clenched tight.

"You look happy," Sebastiano said by way of greeting. His eyes were hidden by dark shades but Liliana was all too aware of the tightness of his mouth, and the tension in his jaw. "Did you both enjoy your honeymoon?"

"It was fine," Marcello said, his tone sharper than it needed to be. His hand pressed against the small of her back, guiding towards the car. Sebastiano only stared at his son, lips pressed together tightly, before he arched his neck towards her.

"And you, Liliana, what did you make of it?"

She tried her hardest not to squirm under his attention, steeling her spine as if she didn't want to cower away every single time this man merely looked at her.

"It was good." She was unable to muster any sort of enthusiasm, but attempted a small smile, hoping it would be enough. Sebastiano after all, already knew this marriage was fake. He'd hardly expect anything more from her.

She was nudged into the back-seat by Marcello, forced to look up at Sebastiano to maintain eye contact - which was difficult giving his sunglasses. She felt positively weak from down here.

When Sebastiano nodded, seeming somewhat satisfied with her answer, Marcello rudely slammed the door shut - no doubt to put an end to his father's interrogation. Liliana couldn't help but feel relieved. She feared any minute longer, her composure would crack, and she would be cursing everything wrong with Marcello.

She was sure that wouldn't be to Sebastiano's satisfaction.

Liliana found herself alone in the car for longer that she would have thought, all too aware of the sound of raised voices from outside. And when the men joined her, they were both tense and scowling - looking all too much like father and son.

For the entirety of the car ride, Liliana remained stiff in her seat, trying her best to ignore the tension that clung to both Sebastiano and Marcello like a second skin. Marcello's glare was as punishing as ever - only this time it wasn't directed towards her.

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