Chapter 24

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A/N: Chapter dedicated to HeatherKnopps. :)

Chapter 24

Danielle POV

I was awake, but I couldn't find the strength to open my eyes. There were hushed whispers coming from my right. Male voices.

I couldn't remember what happened, but maybe I'll just need some reminder or somesort. My head was pounding, and no matter how much the groan wanted to escape my throat, it just wouldn't. My throat was really dry.

''It's been 3 days, what if she doesn't wake up?'' a masculine voice spoke softly, voice lining with worry.

''Don't lose hope, Mike. I know she'll wake up,'' another masculine voice spoke, his voice sending familiar shivers down my spine. I felt a hand grasp mine tightly, sending tingles on my skin. ''Danielle's a strong person. If she can fight against your men, she can definitely fight through this. I have faith in her.''

Soft lips touched my forehead, and I felt slight stubble from his chin too. Then so soft I almost didn't hear it, he whispered in my ear, ''You have to wake up, Danielle. For me, please.''

His broken yet determined voice gave me slight strength to keep trying opening my eyes. At least, it gave me enough strength to gain back control of my limbs.

I tried wiggling my toes, but they only twitched. The slight movement probably caught the attention of one of the men in the room, as I heard the sound of a chair scraping and a voice exclaiming, ''Did you see that?!''

''See what?'' the other voice mumbled, and I could feel his gaze on my face.

''Her toes just moved!'' I swear I saw them move! Is she awake? Oh my god! Danielle, can you -''

''Shut up, Mike! What if it's just your eyes playing tricks? Like me, you hadn't had enough sleep. We always had false assumptions...''

''But I swear, Matt, her toes just moved, and it's not my eyes playing tricks on me, goddammit!''

Matt? Where have I heard the name before?

The other guy's name was Mike. I've heard that name before, too.



Ugh! I'm going mad right now!


Mad Matt...

Suddenly, it all came rushing back. All my memories, that was temporarily lost, came back, all because of that two words I remembered saying on our unofficial first ''date''.

The two men, now identified as Mike, my best friend, and Matt, my boyfriend also known as my English teacher, continued bickering.

''You're just seeing things again, Mike. I don't want another incident where - Oh god, did you see that Mike?!'' Matt exclaimed as I squeezed his hand, finally finding the strength.

''See what?'' Mike asked, sounding annoyed.

''She just squeezed my hand!'' Matt exclaimed, sounding as if it was obvious.

''Are you sure you're not seeing things again?'' Mike mocked.

''Technically, I'm feeling it, and I can't just feel things.''

I wanted to laugh. They sounded like such an old married couple.

Then, I felt Matt backing off, his grip on my right hand becoming loose. Afraid he might leave me, I mustered all the energy and gripped his hand tightly.

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