"But, Lord Hokage---!", the ANBU tried to protest, but a glare from the Hokage stopped him.

"Are you doubting your Hokage now ? A mere child would never hurt me, especially a girl. How about you go for a walk now ?", the Hokage suggest.


"Huh, did you say something ?", the Hokage inquires.

"Nope, nothing."

After a few moment of hesitation, finally both of the ANBU went out. I found my bag that they kept under my bed and fortunately, all my stuff is still in there.

"Now, what is the thing do you want to talk to me, child ?", he says before taking another puff of his pipe.

Holding a kunai in my hand I answer, "Something, but before that...", I throw the kunai at the Hokage, not really at him, just a little bit to the left so that it barely missing his face.

Within a blink of an eye, an ANBU could be seen appearing out of nowhere deflecting the kunai that i've thrown just now.

"Now, now.. Didn't I say I want to talk to the Hokage alone ?? Is it that hard to understand ?", I said while making my favourite close eye smile.

The Hokage didn't even seem faze by this. He just scowl at his ANBU before shouting, "I want all of you to leave us alone now !",

After a few moments, I could feel the chakra signature dissapear one after another. Stupid ANBU.. Can't even hide themselves.

"So, can we talk now, as it seems all of my ANBU's are away ?", He said to me.

"Of course, but first..", I kneeled down on the bed and half bow to him, "Im sorry for my action just now, I just want to make sure that there is no one spying us,"

Sitting straight up, I take out the scroll that Jiraiya sensei has given me.

"This is because I thought that maybe this information should be kept hidden from anyone else," I says while holding out the scroll to him.

"And may I ask, who gave this to you ?", he asks while reaching out for the scroll that is in my hands.

"Jiraiya sensei. I suppose you know him ? He specifically gave me orders, well, more like a forceful request, to go to Konoha and give this scroll to the Hokage," I says with a serious voice.

He reads the scroll for a few moment, before chuckling quitly to himself. He mutters something but I can't hear it clearly.

"Pardon me, what did you say just now ?",

"Tsukiko Sora, 11 years old. According to her story, she was trained by many people, most of them are the one that she met along her travel. Travelled since she's 4 year old. Started learning ninja basics skill when she's 6 year old. Reason unknown. The village she's from is unknown. Any special power or Kekkai Genkai is unknown. Can be identified by her white silverish hair and black eyes. She has a scar, possibly from something sharp like a Kunai on her left cheek. She has one mission. This mission seems important to her, but she won't tell anyone about it. She's very loyal. A perfect ninja for a village. Especially Konoha,"

Brandishing a Kunai, I face the Hokage. Even it is just a basic information about me, you can't be too relaxed about it. You could even been stabbed by a sword, thrown into the river or maybe kidnapped and nobody would care. Because that's how this world works. Or at least, that's how my world works.

"How did you know about that ? I don't recall telling you any of it," trying to keep my calm demeanour, I question the Hokage.

I could hear the Hokage chuckle to himself before answering.

"Calm down child, where's your carefree attitude just now ? I just read everything that Jiraiya's wrote to me. It turns out most of this scroll is about you. He also states that I should take you as a Konoha Shinobi and if you refuse, he even told me to throw you in jail or something,"
The last part of Hokage's explanation make me remember something.

*Flashback started*

"Yeah, sure. I'll help you. It's not like i'll be confined or jailed after helping you, right ? Soo... Why not ? ",

"Erm..yeah..of course.........," I could see that he's thinking about something big. I just about to opened my mouth, to ask him what is it about when he started talking.

*Flashback ended*

So that's the reason why he's seem to hesitate a bit when I ask him that's question. Instead of being thrown into a normal small bar jail, he decided to throw me in the biggest jail ever, otherwise known as Konoha. I could only think of one think now which is,

"Damn you perverted toad,"

3rd Hokage/Hiruzen POV

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. So, Jiraiya got a new name now, huh ? 'Perverted toad' . It has a nice ring to it. Maybe,I'm gonna use it one day...

"So, which one do want child ? Do you want to stay here ? Or do you prefer 'to be thrown in the jail' just like what Jiraiya's said ?", I broke the awkward silence that surrounds us by asking her.

I could see that she's thinking hard about something. And I'm quite sure she's saying something 'nice' about Jiraiya. I wonder what she'll do when she meet him.

A sigh escaped Tsukiko's lips. "So, if I refuse this offer, I would be thrown in the jail, again," she says while wrinkling her nose, as though she's thinking about something bad.

And what does she mean by 'be thrown in the jail again' ? Does this mean she has been to a jail ? Was the crime involve the life of someone ?

"But, if I accept, I might not be able to complete my mission..," she continues.

What does she means by 'mission' ? This girl is too mysterious.. It could edanger the life of the resident of Konoha.

"Hey, Lord Hokage ?",

Tsukiko POV

"Hey, Lord Hokage ?",

He looks at me. Raising one of his eyebrows , signing that he's listening to me before taking another puff of his pipe. It makes me wonder sometimes, does pipe taste good ? He keeps huffing and puffing his pipe,~ Does that word even exist ?

"Err, what's the catch ? I mean, I'm a complete stranger. Not just to you, but even to this village. I've never been here yet. You can't just accept me to the village just because Im recommended, I mean...... being threated by Jiraiya. Although I don't have an official rank, Im still can be considered a shinobi. I can even attack you and no one would know, except your ANBU, of course..," I tried to persuade him into not letting me into Konoha.

"While it's true that you're a complete stranger to everyone, I really trust Jiraiya.. He would never do anything that will risk the village. Although you will be interrogated by .." he stops for awhile and frown before he continues, ".....someone as you might be a threat to this village as you suggest before," he says.

"Sure. I mean....I accept it Lord Hokage." I said while bowing my head a little trying to be polite.

The longest chapter I've ever wroteeeeeee !! Yeahhhh, im proud of it^^ . I really want to end this part because its taking to long and Im boredd !!

So, do you guys know who that's someone is ?? *wiggle eyebrows* Mehh, good luck guessing~

So, what do you think of it ? Is it good ? Tell mee ! There's always room for improvement~ As for the chapter, I think it will be toooooooo long if I continue, and you guys would be bored.

Well, thats how I feel when I read a really long chapter ~ Im going to do my FIRST timeskip EVAHHHH in my next chapter~!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA, why ? Because it's too long and Im pretty sure you guys want to read the part where she meets the other charachter like Naruto, the infamous Duckbutt, bubblegum, my biggest crush, Kakashiiiiii *fangirling* and so on.

That's all for now ! Byee~

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