Chapter Eight; Muerters

Start from the beginning

"Seph you don't need to do this." Michelle said pleadingly.

"YES. I do." Sephora snapped.  "You two need to get your priorities in tact. Who's side are you even on?!"

"It's not even about that and you know it." Vanessa said shaking her head.  "We're not on sides. It's just about who's right or wrong."


Justice interjected. "But it wasn't me who--"
Sephora raised her hand like she was going to strike her and Justice flinched back. A few on lookers in the crowd sniggered but Justice was too scared to care.

"You," she pointed at Justice. "Shut the fuck up. I swear to God, say something again and I will punch you in your little ugly face. Don't fuck with me!"

The crowd forming around them was giving Sephora all the hype she needed, reacting with howls and hoots. Someone was even trying to push Justice forward, almost to goad her on. These people were like vultures. Always hungry for some drama.
"Don't speak to her like that Sephora!" Vanessa said getting annoyed. "And furthermore your 'man' is standing right there so why aren't you throwing threats his way?"

"I'm not fucking talking to you Vanessa!" She said coming forward. "So come on then Justice. What you gonna tell me? That he kissed you?"

"Well ... He did!" Justice said exasperatedly.

"Angel?" Sephora turned around to him.

All eyes turned to him. Sephora's filled with rage, Justice's filled with plea. He shook his head and looked up to the sky praying that the day couldn't get any worse.
That was all the confirmation Sephora needed.

"You fucking little liar!!" She said leaping forward.

Justice had no chance. Sephora was on her. She leapt like an animal and slammed Justice into the hard floor only giving her seconds to defend herself before throwing punches. It all happened so fast that she didn't know what was happening. All she could hear was the noise of the students around them and the abuse that Sephora was spitting out as she continually hit her.

She was throwing some hard blows that Justice knew would bruise tomorrow. It only took the littlest bump for her to bruise black and blue.

"JUSTICE! FIGHT BACK!!!" Vanessa screamed.

"SEPHORA THAT'S ENOUGH!" She heard Angel's voice boom. She felt a weight being lifted off her and realised that someone had pulled Sephora up. She would've liked to say she felt relief but the only thing she could feel was pain.
And something thick and wet coming out her nose.


Someone grabbed her gently by the shoulders and lifted her up, turning her around to face them.

"Are you okay?" Grey eyes met hers and although she was slightly dizzy she knew who they belonged to.

Swaying she tried to nod quickly and grabbed onto his arms to stop herself from falling.
"Steady now..."

Vanessa and Michelle rushed over to her, concern plastered all over their faces.

"OMG! Are you alright?"

"We were trying to pull her off you but she's like a wild animal!!" Michelle exclaimed.

"My head hurts." She said trying to stop the blood that was flowing out of her nose. "My nose too. Is it broken?"

Demetri tilted her chin up and examined it closely. "No not broken. It'll bruise though."

"Great." She said pinching the bridge. She turned her head to look over at Angel who was blocking the blows that Sephora was trying to throw at him. He grabbed both her wrists together and yanked her towards him, getting in her face. Justice couldn't hear what they were saying but he knew it wasn't anything good. He watched Angel point in her face then shove her away before he turned in her direction and started to come over.

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