Chapter 68

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I woke up 30 min later I tried to get some sleep after my dream about Ricardo, I couldn't sleep without seeing my husbands face or lifeless body lying right next to me. I don't know if it's haunted me or not, but it kept me tossing and turning, kept me feeling uneasy and kept me crying hysterically. I got excruciating headaches from the crying and my body was growing weaker by the minute.

I stood up and slowly walked to the balcony door, my brain was pounding viciously and my legs were giving up on me but I pushed anyway. I opened both doors at the same time and was immediately hit with a cold breeze, immediately making my body extremely cold. I walked slowly on my balcony, it was a bright night because of the full moon, which I couldn't enjoy, I was freezing cold but I merely kept walking.

I came to the railing and looked at my garden. Nothing had no substance or beauty in my eyes, I lost interest in everything, it's so funny how one man who didn't even create you can make one feel amazing things but at the same time, he can also take so much away from you. I wanted to cry, but there were no tears left me in so all I could do was feel and the touch was painful,

~ Flashback ~

I started down my hallway, then the trail led to a closed-door so I opened and I was face to face with candles, a cute dining table with food and champagne, artworks around the room with me and Ricardo and of course my leading man Ricardo. " Welcome to our romantic dinner in a room full of our love."

" A little sleazy, but it's sweet that you did this."

" Come sit down with me." I nodded, then sat down and we enjoyed the dinner, good music, and the conversation with each other.

We were eating and then we just talked about our day and stuff. " Ricardo what was the cause for this dinner."

" Just wanted to treat my girlfriend to a perfect dinner and show her one of my new artworks."

" OK, let's see it." We got up, then he took my hand and we walked past the many artworks and then stopped at one of them that was covered with a silk blanket. " Emily this a painting of how I see you and the pregnancy."

I got the blanket off and saw me standing to my side, covering my boobs with one hand holding my stomach with the other and looking at my baby bump oh and I was naked but the private parts were covered. It was so beautiful, I looked beautiful pregnant, Ricardo made me look beautiful pregnant.

It was the most beautiful painting that he has ever executed by me and trust me he has done a lot of paintings that captured my beauty. I touched my painting and also felt tears running down my face, he honestly did the most amazing job with this painting and I enjoyed it, loved him and I was going to kiss him for it. I turned to Ricardo and found him down on one knee and holding the most beautiful and very heavy ring.

" Emily you don't realize how much I love you, I can't live without you and I need you in my life. You are my muse and the many paintings of you can prove my assertion. I want you to be my wife until the day we die. Loving you has been the best thing that has come about in my life and meeting you was even way more amazing. I will forever love you and I want the definition of us to be forever. No amount of time will be enough with you, but let's start with forever. Then please do me the great honor of being my beautiful wife."

His words were beautiful, he bore on my heart, I loved him endlessly and of course, I wanted to marry him. " Yes, I will marry you." He set the ring on me, stood up and I jumped on him then kissed him hard passionately. I was getting married and the feeling was explainable, I was happy and the happiness was extraordinary. I let go and he put me down and articulated, " I love you Emily."

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