chapter 39

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I was awake and was in the kitchen preparing a nice breakfast while Ricardo was getting Emilia ready for his parents. His parents were excited to see the baby, so I had to make a good breakfast then feed Emilia her milk.

Bridget, Brian, Steven, Megan, and Kyle had already left and it was sad, I would've wanted Ricardo's family to meet my family, but it's fine they were going to meet at the wedding.

Ricardo came down holding Emilia and also busy with his phone, " Ricardo put your phone down and focus on holding Emilia properly. Where is her seat so she can sit here comfortably with me while I cook?"

" I will be right back." He went up with Emilia to go fetch her seat, Ricardo was going to be a clumsy father.

My body was still tired from the running, but I didn't mind that, I wanted my good body back. Ricardo came down with the seat then got in the kitchen and placed Emilia in her seat. I went to her and gave her small face soft kisses then said, " hello beautiful, hello my little beauty." I gave her a light kiss on her lips then went back to cooking my final thing which was the bacon, " posso aiutarti con qualsiasi cosa( can I help you with anything)."

" Sì, va istituito il tavolo esterno poi prendere il cibo e posizionare in modo correto e assicurarsi che tutto è ok( yes, go set up the table outside then take the food and place them properly and please make sure everything is okay)."

" okay amore( okay my love)." He kissed Emilia then left to go do what I said, okay like we honestly needed a nanny up in this place so it meant that I would have to call Bettina and find out if she would like to work her with me in Italy, I trusted her and she was dear to my heart.

We were all sitting outside and enjoying our breakfast. " Emily she is beautiful, well done to the both of you."

" Thank you Maria." She was standing and rocking Emilia and also playing with her little fingers. It was nice spending time with Ricardo's parents and Emilia.

Ricardo left for work so I was home alone and sitting in my room with Emilia on the bed with me. I was watching TV and Emilia was in between my legs and staring at whatever and sometimes making little cute little sounds.

I looked down at Emilia and she looked at me too then gave me a soft small smile that melted my heart, I kissed her forehead and started playing with her fingers while watching Spanish telenovelas.

I was in my office breastfeeding and doing some work, I had two months till the big fashion show in Dubai, we were going to have to travel to Dubai in a month's time, but would Ricardo agree or get angry.

I honestly didn't want to fight with him about work and who I put first. The doorbell rang so I got up with Emilia and walked to my front door.

I walked to the door, opened it and saw a beautiful young woman who was in a body-hugging dress, was skinny with not so big curves, had thick cherry red hair, was tall, had blue eyes, and seemed very classy. " Hello is Ricardo home?"

" Nope and who might you be?"

" I'm his ex-girlfriend Brenda and you are?"

" His fiancé Emily Romero."

" Fiancé?"

" Yes and mother of his child."

" Wow Ricardo got himself a famous fiancé and also got a baby, he scored big time."

" Look I have to put my child down so thank you for coming."

" Can you tell Ric that I was here and that he should call me?"

" Why should he call you if you are apart of the past?"

" I thought I would come back and maybe get my man back, but I see that my man as occupied himself."

" You have a nerve don't you."

" Whatever." Ricardo walked up to my door and when he saw Brenda anger overtook his face, " what the fuck are you doing here and why are you around my fiancé and child!"

" Well hello to you too."

" Please leave my house and never come back."

" Ricardo come on, what happened is in the past."

" Just like you and I never repeat my past so please leave and I don't ever want to see you near my house, me, my fiancé, and my baby okay. Now leave." I smirked at her, it felt good to be with a man that didn't want anything to do with a past, Ricardo turned to me and said," sorry about that baby."

" No don't worry baby. Emilia missed you a lot."

" Come to papa bambino."Ricardo took her and I walked into the house and went into the kitchen, " did she eat?"

" Yeah I just finished feeding her so please burp her."

" Okay."

" Ricardo who was that woman?"

" My ex-girlfriend who did the same thing that Christian did to you."

" Oh, why is she back?"

" I don't know and I don't care. She is a piece of shit that I don't want anything to do with."

" You never forgave her."

" Never, I hate her guts and I will seriously lose it if I ever see here around me and my family and if she tries to cause trouble I will do something that will not be forgivable." Wow, I loved how he hated her which meant he wouldn't want anything to do with her and that was a relief.

It was late at night, Emilia was sound asleep and we were in bed. Ricardo was on top of me and started taking my clothes off which wasn't much cause I was wearing sweat pants and a tang tip without a bra cause it was easier to breastfeed Emilia.

I took his shirt off and his pants off and left him in his underwear, I was fully naked but I didn't care cause he was mine and if my body wasn't sexy yet he was just going to have to deal with it.

He trailed kisses down to my sex and without any hesitation he started sucking it hard and fast. " Ah," I cried out as I enjoyed the sensation, it felt so good to feel this after so long. I ran my fingers through his luscious hair as I was soaking it all in, he sucked even hard and I cried even louder forgetting that I had a little baby in the house but she was quite far in the house so it didn't matter.

I almost came so he stopped then trailed kisses back to my lips and devoured my lips hard, he let go and said " dio come ho perso baciare, toccare e gustare il vostro corpo( god how I missed kissing, touching and tasting your body)." He said then slammed hard inside me and I cried out with so much ecstasy, I gripped the bed sheets and soaked it all in.

I forgot how good Ricardo was good with having sex and especially having sex with me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist pulling him in cause I wanted more and he gave it to me, " oh fuck!" I cried out. We came so many times, reached the highest levels of orgasms that our body could take in and we just enjoyed the hot sexy sex that we were having.

He slammed hard one more time and I cried out hard leaving me breathless and leaving Ricardo groaning with pleasure. He got out of me then rested his forehead on mine, we stayed like this for god knows how long just resting and collecting our breaths. He missed this and once he got it back he made sure he showed it how much he missed it and he showed it good. " Ti amo( I love you)."

" Pancho ti Voglio bene( I love you too)." We stayed in the same position and savored in this beautiful moment.

Emilia started crying and I was really tired so Ricardo offered to go check on her while I rested my excitedly worn-out body. We didn't stop then, we carried on for almost the whole night. Ricardo worked me and worked me good, my body was still feeling the excitement he gave me.

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