chapter 20

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" Wake up Bridget or else we are going to be late for your own wedding," I said as I was shaking my sister to wake up, it wasn't my wedding, but I was very excited and just happy for today. "Okay, I'm up." While she changed into one of my sweats I went downstairs and made some coffee for Bridget and me.

My mind was still on the things my dad and sister said, it was like an irritating zit in my head that didn't want to go away. My dad walked into the kitchen, already wearing his suit, I looked at him with a big smile and a little shocked because he honestly just couldn't wait until we got to the hotel." Morning dad."

" Morning noodle, where is Bridget?"

" I'm her dad and I'm ready to go so let's beat it." I took her coffee and we left for the hotel.

We got to the hotel and walked to the room, where everyone was getting ready. My sister sat and let the hair and makeup team do their job, the bridesmaids were also getting ready and of course doing some more sucking up.

I wasn't getting ready just yet so I decided to go and say morning to Kyle, Brian, and Christian. I walked down the hall and came to the men's room door. I knocked and said, " I'm going to come in, are you guys decent?"

" Depends on what kind of decent," said Brian. I opened the door and the men were sitting in a big circle, half-dressed, and talking about God knows what. " Morning guys," I said and sat on Kyle's lap and kissed him, hello, I let go then put my attention on the big group of guys. " Hello Emily."

" Hi Christian."

" Why aren't you getting ready Emily?"

" Don't feel like it Brian."

" Are you shitting me right now!"

" Nope, genuinely mean it. I don't feel like it," I stuck my tongue out at Brian and went back to playing with Kyle's hands. I looked up and I was immediately locked with Christian's eyes, " so Emily are you excited for your sisters?"

" Yes Christian I am, are you happy for your brother?"

" Ecstatic!"

" Good, that's good." We spoke with our eyes never leaving each other and keeping in mind that people were watching us and were witnessing this whole thing so I looked at Kyle's hand.

I kissed Kyle then got up and said: " I'm going to get ready, see you guys on the Isle." I waved goodbye and left the room, but didn't go to our room just yet, I went outside to recollect my thoughts.

I walked in the room and I was pushed to the chair, my makeup and hair were being done. I guess the whole taking a min to myself wasn't such a good idea because we were running late.

I was done with hair and makeup so I was in the dressing room wearing my dress and shoes. The makeup artist made me look so different, but a really good different, my hair was done beautifully. I was in my dress and shoes, I looked at myself before leaving, I looked adorable in my dress.

I was perfectly happy with being a maid of honor because I was looking amazing. I walked out of the dressing room and I was face to face with the beautiful bride that was my amazing sister. I tear ran down my face that I didn't know I had. I walked up to her, held her hand, and said, " you look so beautiful Bridget."

" Thank you Emily."

" I love you sissy."

" I love you too noodle," I hugged her tightly, we had our sister moment that touched my heart deeply. Dad came and wrapped his arms around the both of us making the moment even more special. " My two beautiful girls."

We let go because it was time, the groomsmen walked in looking very sexy, Christian walked up to me giving me such a beautiful smile.

He looked amazing in his suit, he reached out his hand and I took it. We stood in front of my sister and dad was waiting for the others to walk down the Isle, " you looking beautiful Emily."

" You don't look too bad yourself" he laughed and so did I. It was our turn so we walked down the Isle and I couldn't help but feel really emotional, it felt so right to walk with him, it was like almost my thoughts. I looked up and caught him looking at me with teary eyes, I knew for a fact he had the same thought. " I love you so much Emily."

" I love you too Christian." I looked in front of me and stood next to the bridesmaids. The music changed, the guests stood up and there was Bridget walking down the Isle, I looked at Brian and could see the happiness and love in his eyes.

He looked at her like she was his angel, they were both emotional and smiling their big beautiful smiles. Bridget was a very beautiful bride and Brian was a handsome groom, she got to her man and the ceremony started. While they were exchanging vows, I and Christian were locked in each other's gazes, mimicking the words of the priest to each other.

It was like we were getting married secretly even though there were a lot of people and it wasn't actually our wedding. We were committing to each other and it was amazing. " You may now kiss the bride." I looked at Bridget and Brian and watched as Mr. and Mrs. Micheals kissed.

We clapped and cheered, praising the beautiful couple, and praising their marriage. They walked down the aisle then it was me and Christian walking, we walked and he said, " you are married to me now."

" Yeah, secretly Christian."

" Still counts to me."

" Whatever husband."

" Sounds sexy when you say it," I rolled my eyes and carried on walking and cheering on the lovely couple.

We were sitting in the reception, waiting for the bride and groom to come. I was sitting next to Christian and we were talking about a lot especially our secret marriage, it was sweet for Christian to think we were married and a little funny. " You know we haven't even sealed the marriage with a kiss."

" Don't worry that's for later, I will seal it with lovemaking, my wife."

" Can't wait husband." The doors opened, Mr. and Mrs. Micheals walked in smiling. The guest was clapping and cheering again, they were honestly such a beautiful couple.

The wedding was even more beautiful, my dad's speech brought me and my sister to tears, it was hard to say my speech without crying, but I did it and happy I did. Their first dance was cute, but I think dancing with Christian was even way better than them. The wedding was just amazing, my sister was happy and that was honestly what mattered more than anything.

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