chapter 4

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Kyle left so I went to bathe and get ready to see Gevin. Megan was on my bed fiddling with her toys, I played the kids channel and let her giggle with pure joy. I took off my robe, got in the shower, and bathed.

I was done with everything in my toilet, so I went out to dress up. Megan was rolling on the bed giggling and throwing her toys around, I laughed then went into my closet and got dressed. I wore black skinny jeans and a baggy shirt with converses, took my bag, and left the closet. I was in the mood for a casual outfit.

I went to Megan picked her up, then we went to her room." Sadly, you have to leave soon," I said as we walked into her room. I place her in her crib, while I started packing her stuff. She had to leave because Brian's parents were coming over so they needed her, but I was told to drop her off at Christian's place. I wanted to go to the salon to do my hair quickly.


I walked into the salon then went to my stylist Reggie." Hello there Emily, what can I do for you today?"

"I would like a nice touch-up, I'm feeling glamorous today."

" I like that," he said and I smiled, then sat on the chair, and Megan was here in stroller playing with her Mr cuddles.

I was done and I looked in the mirror. I was loving the fresh look, Reggie did it so beautifully. I paid for my hair, then left the mall and worked my way to Christian's place.


I arrived at his place. I got out of the car and went to go strap Megan out of her car seat and fetch her bags. Their house was quite big and extremely beautiful. I carried Megan and her stuff then went to the door and knocked. I waited a while and watched as Megan started frantically bouncing her teddy all over the place. I couldn't help, but laugh at how adorable she looked.  The door opened and what seemed to be the Buttler answered and read," how may I help you?"

" I'm here to drop off Christian's niece, I'm the sister-in-law?"

" Come in, just go to your left and the seating area is there, I will take the baby to her room."

" Ok, thanks," I said as I handed her to him. She wasn't a tough child at all, she loved people. I got into the house and went to the sitting room and I must say it was extremely beautiful. I sat on the couch, then went on my phone and checked my messages. I had quite a few regarding work and so on. " Miss?"

" Ms. Romero."

" Ms. Romero, Mr. Micheal will be with you in a minute. Would you like anything to drink?"

" Yes, I would like a gin and tonic on the rocks."

" Coming right up, " he left the room and I got a phone call from Gevin " hey Gevin."

" Hi, so how are you doing?"

" Just fine, I'm at Brian's brother's place, I'm dropping off Megan"

" So how's Christian?"

" He is very sexy and hot, very obstinate, but he is okay."

" Anything else?"

" I will tell you everything when I get there."

" OK, fine, bye." I dropped the phone and exhaled deeply. My drink was brought, so I relaxed and drank. While going through my messages and attempting to answer some of them.  Christian walked in with his wife and she said," you look so beautiful with your hair."

" Thanks, Emma."

" She does, indeed, she looks very beautiful," I appeared at Christian and he was looking up at me like I was his muse and I liked it." So Megan is here sleeping and her stuff is here with her."

" Ok, thank you, Emily."

" No problem Christian."

" You want to stick around for lunch?"

" No, sorry, I have plans of my own, but thanks for the offer."

" No problem."

" Okay, so see you guys around," I said then left for my lunch date at Gevin's place.


I got to Gevin's place and walked into the house. He had the cutest house in the world and it was very comfortable for both of them and also the visitors." Hello Gevin," I shouted to find out where he was. "In the kitchen, Emily," he shouted back. I turned right, went down a long hallway then I was in his kitchen. He was there with his boyfriend Steven making lunch, " hey guys."

" Hello there," said Gevin. I put the wine and cake down, then hugged them hello and sat on the kitchen counter, and watched as they were cooking. " So tell me about Christian."

" Considerably, you know how sexy he is, he has a pretty wife, he is stubborn and he has this thing about looking at me with his devious, but sexy eyes. He sometimes flirts with me in a non flirty way."

" Oh yeah, like that makes so much sense."

" Like he would say something sexy to me, but change it into something normal and it's frustrating."

" And I know you love it a lot."

" I do trust me, I do, but it's with the wrong person."

" What if he is the right person?"

" See, I'm not a slut, I don't steal women's men, even though the women don't love the men."

" Wait, Christian's wife doesn't love him?"

" And Christian doesn't love her, they are just putting an act on, but at home, they only hate each other."

" So simply put them out of their misery and take Christian."

" I can't because I'm sort of seeing someone."

" Who?"

" Christian's brother Kyle."

" And how is he?"

" He is good I guess, he is sexy for days."

" Score right?"

" Very right on that one."

Our lunch turned into a dinner, dinner turned into speaking till quite late at night, which was good because it was nice talking to Gevin and sharing some secrets and small talk. " O.K. guys I have to leave."

" Your man is waiting for you."

" Nope, it's only going to be me, my bed, and work."

" Well, enjoy that, me and Steven have to finish a discussion in the room."

" I'm not even interested in finding out."

" Don't worry sexy." I hugged Gevin goodbye and left.

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