As I walked I thought of the fact Zayn should already be awake by now and feeling disgusted with himself because of who his drunk mind told him to have sex with. I thought of how he's probably scrubbing every inch of his body that I found too perfect for words. Just thinking of the tan skinned boy made heart ache just as much as my bum. And that was allot of pain.

"Hey, Niall. Do to think you could work the cash register today?" Louis asked me the second I walked into the store. I nodded and willed my thoughts of Zayn to the back of my mind. He's probably not thinking of me anyway. All I know is I'll never talk to him ever again and I need to stop thinking of him like I will see him soon. I'm not and I just have to get that through my Irish brain.

"You look really tired. Do you need the day off?" Louis asked me quietly. I shook my head and pulled a stool in front of the cash register to sit on. He just stood there looking at me with his blue eyes that freaked me out how much they reminded me of the ocean. I gave the manager boy a sight smile, but it crumbled as I thought of actually never seeing Zayn again. The first tear slid down my face and before I knew it I was sobbing into Louis' chest.

"I ruined everything!" I cried to the short man. He just ran his hand over my back in a soothing way while I continued to cry my eyes out. I was feeling guilt, embarrassment and regret. Not regret for the actions I did last night, but for just leaving Zayn. But, I told myself it was for the better of my feelings that way I wouldn't get hurt by him. I know what I did wouldn't have hurt him in anyway because he probably banged me with no feelings.

"Even if we work together and haven't really talked much, I consider you a friend. You can talk to me if you need to or just keep doing this." Louis told me kindly. I nodded and pulled myself together for a few minutes before falling apart all over again. Louis tired to tell me kind things to get me to stop crying, but it wasn't helping and all I would do was mumble out that I was a horrible person.

A few minutes passed and my eyes seemed to have run out of tears. Louis didn't leave my side and just continued to give me a soft smile like he wanted me to be okay. I knew it would be a few days till I was okay, but I would be and that's all I needed to look forward to. That, and forgetting Zayn. We both made a mistake and it would be best for our relationship to forget about each other.

The bell to the door rang, signaling someone was walking in. I caught a glimpse of jet back hair, causing me to hit to ground and crawl under the counter. Louis sat on the stool I previously had been sitting on.

"Is Niall here today?" Zayn's thick Bradford accent asked. He sounded kind of broken and sad, but I knew it was probably just from feeling horrible about what we had done last night while we were beyond drunk.

"He called in sick. Do you want to leave something that I can give him tomorrow?" Louis asked coolly. There was a moment of silence before I heard Zayn sigh.

"Tell him to call me or answer my calls or texts or something. We really need to talk." Zayn told Louis. After that, the bell to the door rang and I knew he was gone. Not only from my work place, but most likely from my life.

"Why do both of you look like lost, love sick puppies?" Louis asked me as I climbed out from under the counter. He lifted his little hand and wiped my face a little as I leaned back on the counter.

"We both made a huge mistake and now we can't be friends anymore. At least, I can't be be friends with him anymore." I sniffled to Louis. He just rubbed my back and looked at me like he was hoping I was going to be okay.

As the day went on, I only broke down crying five more times. My phone didn't stop getting calls from Zayn, but I didn't answer. I couldn't answer him in fear of the pain his words might put me in. I was thankful for the customers that would come in and distract me from my thoughts. But just as the customers came, so did more memories of last night. The one that made my stomach feel so sick was how meaningless all of the activities we did were. I like Zayn very much and he's very nice to me, but I know that we just had sex for the sake of having sex. There wasn't love behind it like I've always wanted.

I crave the day I can make love to someone. Part of me thought Zayn would be that someone. Unfortunately, he wasn't and now I have to go through the embarrassing after effects of that. I have allot of self respect and I may come off innocent to some, but I've this wasn't my first time getting drunk and having a one night stand. It wasn't the first time I was feeling the need to never talk to the person again because I was embarrassed. However, it was the first time my heart was telling me I needed to make things right with Zayn because he's so much more than a friendship or a one night stand.

"How are you feeling?" Louis asked me as I closed up the cash register after the extremely long day of work had ended. I shrugged and walked around the counter to get to the front door of the little shop so that he could lock it up for me. We both stepped out and a slight cooler gust of wind hit me, reminding me that September was nearly over brining in winter. I bundled my arms closer to my thin body to keep some warmth in me as night fell.

"Thanks for dealing with me today. I promise, I'll be back to my normal self tomorrow." I told Louis before he walked away from me. Little did I know the old Niall was forever changed because of this so called mistake.

A/N: well... did everyone enjoy this chapter!?! Haha anyway, so I'm really busy with school and musical/drama stuff this week because our show goes up on Wednesday!!! I'm so excited, but with that I'm going to be doing allot of extra rehearsals after school and might neglect yall from Wednesday to maybe Saturday. I hope you're like this story so far!!! If you could be any person in the world for one day, who would you be?!?!?!?!? Comment / Vote!
- Bri;)

The Fighter (Ziall Horlik)AU M-pregWhere stories live. Discover now