I wasn't sure if Zayn knew how to drive or should be driving with a concussion, but all I knew was this was fun. It had been too long since I've had fun with someone. I'd spent allot of time alone and I'm shy so I'm not going to make allot of friends wherever I end up, so this is so refreshing to me. It reminds me life can still be fun sometimes.

"We're going to the upper end of Bradford and going to get some of the best pizza you will ever have in your life." Zayn told me as he drove down the street. I nodded and reached forward to play the CD I had in. Zayn laughed at me when he heard what song was playing, making me feel a little embarrassed at the fact I was listening to Shawn Mendes.

"I like his voice." I defended myself quietly. Zayn reached over and pulled my hand to his lips. That simple gesture caused my stomach to flip with butterflies. He continued driving while listening to some of the songs and asking me what the names of the songs were. He even told me to replay some of the songs he liked.

We drove to a nicer part of Bradford Zayn told me his grandmother had taken him to when he was a little boy. I quickly changed the subject to something else because I saw a sad glint in his brown eyes I never wanted to see. He parked outside the tiny pizza place and got out only to run over to my side and open the door for me. I laughed at my racoon boy and followed him into the the restaurant.

Immediately, my nose was filled the with the warm scent of Italian food that I could only imagine is exactly how it smells in Italy. The hostess took us to a small booth that was behind a young couple. The lady was holding a child on her lap that looked to be a few months old, but seeing the little girl made something start working that hadn't ever been turned on until now.

"She's so pretty." I mumbled to Zayn as he pulled me to sit next to him in the booth. He turned around and looked at the little girl before getting this closed off look on his face.

"Yeah, babies are cute. So what do you want on the pizza?" He asked me, but I couldn't help but keep turning around to just get glimpses of the little girl that was now slobbering over a piece of crust form the pizza. She had really dark skin and almost golden colored eyes. Her hair was short tiny tight black curls that I would love to put little bows or pigtails in. This was just really weird for me to be thinking of, but it was something I just felt like I wanted at this moment. It wasn't even my mind thinking logically, it was more of my body thinking about this.

"Niall, what do you want on the pizza? It's kind of rude to stare, babe." Zayn chuckled at me. I blushed and turned away from the baby. A waitress put two cups of water on our table that I quietly thanked her for before looking at Zayn. He gave me a light smile but it melted away when the baby behind us started whining. He ran his hand through his thick hair and looked down at the menu like he was trying to ignore the little girl. But, the more she would whine and her parents would struggle to keep her quiet, the more I felt like I just really wanted to turn around and hold that baby. So I did.

"Excuse me, but can I help you guys with her?" I asked, despite the fact Zayn told me to sit down. The mum of the little girl nodded and the dad waved me over to their table with a light chuckle.

I got up and went over to the lady before I was handed the child. I smiled at her and took the crust from her hand and put it to her lips. She started chewing on it, then started whining again. I walked over to me and Zayn's table to get an ice cube from my glass of water before bringing it to the now crying little girls mouth. I wasn't even thinking anymore and just doing what I thought was needed. When the little girl's cries stopped and a happy sigh left her little mouth I smiled at her and looked back at her parents.

"I think someone's teething." I giggled lightly. Both the little girl's parents huffed and looked at me like I was an angel sent from above.

"She's been crying and whining for so long now that we thought she was just giving us a hard time for fun. Thank you so much." The mum told me. I smiled and held the child a little bit longer while letting the ice chill her gums before I looked over to see Zayn looking at me like he was having an internal battle with himself. He looked like he wasn't sure to be happy about what he was seeing or if he wanted to just get up and leave me here alone. Honestly, he looked uncomfortable that there was a child in my arms, yet he still had that soft look in his eyes. I just gave the child back to her mum and went back over to my table.

"Sorry..." I apologized quietly. He continued looking at me before sighing and wrapping an arm around my waist.

"You're really good with kids. You'll make a good dad some day." He told me, but I heard the words that he didn't say. Those words were speaking of the future of our relationship that we haven't even talked about. Those words were saying I would make a great father, but never with him. And I respected that. We're both just strangers with attached hearts, but one of us is scarred beyond repair and the other is too clean for the world forced upon them. Zayn told me his fears of love and a family because of his experiences. All I could do was respect that and tell that stupid part of my hopeless romantic mind to forget about the fact I really did feel something for Zayn in very special ways.

Zayn kissed my cheek and begin saying something about how pretty I looked. The night went on perfectly fine and everything was fun, but looking at Zayn I felt something different toward him. It was something I hadn't felt about anyone. It was the want to fix what's broken so it could be whole. For me, I saw the real Zayn coming out, but I saw the broken Zayn pushing everything back in a bag where he keeps his fears and deepest wants. It intrigued me in a way, actually.

The drive back home after out first date was full of us both laughing and making jokes about a film we both had watched before. That weird feeling in me left and was replaced with one's that normal twenty-two year olds feel. Not ones of wanting a baby, but ones of just having fun. And that's what Zayn and I were doing.

But, when we got back to Zayn's flat and I left to the bathroom, I felt Zayn's eyes trained on me deep in thought. To what the thought was, only the broken boxer will ever know.

A/N: hahaha what's up with ziall!?!?!?! Comment / Vote!
- Bri;)

The Fighter (Ziall Horlik)AU M-pregWhere stories live. Discover now