"You really think I was jealous of Stiles?"

His lips are dangerously close to mine.

"Yeah I guess"

I push him off me and get up and sit on my bed. He gets up and sits in the same spot he was on. I decide to tease him. I lean into him so our lips are almost touching and I hear his heart skip a beat. I grab my computer from behind him and move my face away from his so I can open up the computer and fill in the CV. Derek looks at me, I laugh at how I teased him and continue filling in the CV

"There done. Wait I don't know if I should add for special skills, I'm able to tear people's head off twice a month."

I joke. He looks at me and tries to stifle a laugh but doesn't succeed. He laughs at my joke, it's good to see him laugh, he hasn't laughed ever since Paige died or if he has it wasn't real. He pushes the computer lid closed and turns my head so I'm facing him. My hearts beating like mad. He leans in and I feel butterflies in my tummy. What is wrong with me?

"Why is your heart racing, Kenzie?"

He whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"I guess it's because you're intimidating me."

He smiles and leans even closer so our lips are almost touching. Then he closes the gap and kisses me. I'm confused at first but kiss him back nonetheless, I mean I've had boyfriends before but none have really lasted. And believe it or not I'm still a virgin at the age of 19. I know most people my age would have lost their virginity years ago sleeping with the first guy/girl they laid eyes on. But not me studies and work come first. But Anyway back to the present. I wrap my arms around his neck as he grips my waist. We stay like that until my computer bleeps signalling that I have an E-mail probably from Deaton. I slowly pull away but Derek stops me

"What are you doing?"

"I need to check my E-mails."

He lets me go but hovers behind me. I check my E-mails and see its Deaton. His answer simply says;

Dear Mackenzie,
In regards to your CV I think you are perfect for the job. Scott works here most days that you do so he will help me show you around and tell you what's what.
Kind regards,
Dr Allan Deaton

I look at the E-mail and smile to myself

"What are you smiling about?"

I turn around to look at him.

"Well I've finally got a job so I can actually do stuff instead of being bored all the time."

I grab my phone.

"You know that's rude." He says even though the smirk is clear,

"Oh really? And what're you gonna do about it?"

I turn my face away from him not realising he's so close to my neck. He leans even closer to my neck and starts to kiss down it in attempt to find my sweet spot. Once he touches it I have to bite my lip to stop moaning and causing my uncle to come in because that would be awkward. I finally give in and put my phone down and turn to face him. He kisses me again but I pull away after a while not letting him have the satisfaction. Plus it's the full moon tonight so I need to be ready and I can't be ready when all I can think about is Derek. I tell Derek to go and that I need to get ready for the full moon. He leaves but he gives me his number so he can text me about training.

As night falls I decide to go to sleep because I remember that Scott and Stiles are at Lydia's party. I fall asleep but then wake up with a splitting headache. I go to the bathroom and splash water on my face. I look to the mirror above the sink to see my eyes are glowing yellow. I feel my fangs grow out and watch as my nails turn into claws and my ears become pointier. It hurts, really badly. I jump in the bath after turning on the shower. My head hurts. The water runs down my head and makes me calm. But then my vision starts to go red and the blood lust begins. I run into my room and jump out the window, I run into the woods so I'm as far away as I can get from my uncle so I don't hurt or worse kill him. Stiles has already lost his mother I don't want him losing his father as well. I start running through the woods. I'm in pain. Yeah, the full moon hurts. I feel someone push me to the ground. I growl and jump towards them. They take my arm and break it. It just makes me pissed off. I attack them and try to claw at any skin I can find. I claw at the person's arm. The person must realise something because they glow their eyes and growl a low possessive growl. I shift back and shuffle back until my back hits a tree.

I look up and see Derek.

My head still hurts.

I put both my hands against my head trying to stop the pain.

"Kenzie, are you okay?" Derek asks

I shake my head.

"No, it hurts. It hurts so bad!"

"It'll die down. It only hurts on your first full moon."

I'm panting, trying to catch my breath. I tried to kill him.

"I tried to kill you." I say through the pain.

"Newly bitten Wolves are under the sway of the moon. It's only natural you would try to kill anything with a heart beat." He reassures me crouching down to my level.

My ears perk up and I hear someone running and I know it's Scott. Then I hear a blood-curdling cry. I go to move but Derek grabs my arm

"I'll distract them while you get Scott"

I nod and run towards Scott to see he has an arrow in his forearm. I break the arrow and gesture for him to follow me and he does. We sprint until we reach a tree far away from whoever that was. Derek turns up and sees Scott and I he walks up to us.

"Who were they?" Scott asks

"Hunters. The kind that've been hunting us for centuries."

"Us? You mean you? You did this to us?!"

Instead of denying it,

"Is it really that bad Scott? That you can see better, hear better and run faster than any human could hope. You've been given something most people would kill for. The bite is a gift."

"I don't want it."

"You will. And you're gonna need me if you want to control it. So you and me Scott. We're brothers now."

Derek looks at me and gestures for me to follow him and I do. We end up at his car. He gets in and so do I then he drives me home. I thank him for the ride and quickly and quietly climb into my room and go to bed. Preparing for the many questions I know Stiles is dying to know tomorrow.
Hey loves!

They kissed!

All of these chapters are pre written so I will try and post as often as I can.

Please help me get to at least 100 reads thanks.

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~ Megan 💞

Red Eyes are Dangerous ~ A Derek Hale Story.Where stories live. Discover now