Break Down

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"Your work called me because you didn't show up today!" Justin protests.
"Sorry. We left so we wouldn't wake you up... Hailey must have been the one to answer his call; she's still in training." I explain, pouring my cereal into a plastic bowl.
"Well, you didn't. But your work did." Justin emphasizes with his grouchy attitude. "Why didn't you go to work in the first place?" I knew this question was bound to be asked. Caleb had dropped me off at home about 15 minutes ago, and I walked into Justin watching How I Met Your Mother. He's been investigating me since I walked through the door.
"Well," I pause, collecting my food and trailing to the couch. "Caleb and I
are together..." I rush out. I watch as Justin jumps up and down, doing an over dramatic 'Happy Dance'.
"About time." He adds when he's finished.
"I also told him about Peter..." I mumble, sitting down and shoving my food into my mouth. He sits next to me, his attention attached to my relationship status. His gaze softens and I focus on the show, not wanting his sympathy. He is the last one who I want feeling sorry for my past.
"How'd he take it?"
"Well, he made me a pancake..." I smile at the recent memory. Justin stands up, and I can see the anger boiling out of his ears.
"You told him about something that impacted your life so much, and he brushed it off and made you a pancake?" His eyes burn into mine, and I motion for him to sit down again.
"He's the first person that didn't treat me differently after I told him."
"I didn't-" I interrupted him, as he sits back down.
"You did for he longest time. Every time you have to wake me up, I see the fear in your eyes like when I came to you that night. You looked at me like I fragile, and I'll admit it, I was for a while. But I'm not anymore; I've moved on, not completely, but a lot." His face softens and I grab his hand, showing him the love in my words. We sit for about two more episodes and I smile nonstop at the messages Caleb sends me.

Is your girlfriend as beautiful as mine? I didn't think so.

Is your girlfriend as talented as mine? Not even in comparison!

Is your girlfriends kiss aMaZiNg?
Definitely not.

Guess what.
You're my girlfriend(;

Shut up!

Tough Love.
I like it(;

A couple times, I had to stop myself from laughing out loud. Justin was soon text agruing with his girl, his attention never leaving his phone's screen. Then I remember, I'm supposed to make cookies for my cousins little ones. My cousin, Lily, blinded me into watching her kids. She has a 7 month baby boy, and a 4 year old girl. I'm not the best with children, but Lily's kids love me.
"Hey, I got to go grocery shopping. Wanna come?" I ask, jumping up from the couch. Justin looks frustrated as his eyes finally leave his screen.
"Yeah, I'll go." He says joining me. While I grab all my needs and money, Justin focuses on getting dressed. Yes, he's the type of brother who will lounge in his boxers not caring who's around. I come out of the kitchen and I watch him nearly fall over pulling up his jeans. I started to laugh, but the look he gave me told me to stop. We finally leave the apartment, Justin's fingers dancing across his touchable keyboard. He lets out a exasperated sigh, and slides his phone in his back pocket. He runs his hand through his hair, while we make our way to the elevator. When we get in, I can't help it.
"What is it?" I ask, facing him.
"If A guy chooses to watch football with his family over going to a party with his girl, is he a 'bad boyfriend'?" He quotes with his fingers. I bite the inside of my lip, thinking about how I should word my answer.
"Not necessarily..." I trail off. "Is she a football fan?" I ask, his face shrinking.
"No; she hates it."
"There's your problem." I slap his arm playfully. He sends me a quick smile before we step out of the elevator. He talks all the way to the curb about how dating Caleb will make some of my 'manly' ways go away.
"I am not changing for a guy! Plus, it makes it easier to date him because we were close friends first..." I trail off, not wanting Justin to hear about the shared kisses we had while we were untitled. We hop in the cab I signaled, and Justin continues to back up his evidence. "Marsh, please." I say as the man in the drivers seat starts to take off.
"If it wasn't for your clothes, hair and-" The old car stops Justin from proceeding with his words, making me grateful. We all hear a loud pop noise coming from the hood; Justin and I jumping at the startling engine.
"Man!" The driver yells towards the steering wheel, "Sorry ma'am, but I'm gonna have to call a tow truck."
"That's fine, I'm in no rush. My brother needs the exercise anyways."
"Brother?" The man cocks his head towards us, and Justin and I share a look. "Y'all act like a couple." When the words left his mouth, I died of laughter.
"No, Mr. She is already taken; and not by me." Justin says, his arm bumping into mine. He was more politely then I thought he would be to the driver. The older man climbed out of the car, and I pushed Justin to do the same.
"Why can't we call another cab?" Justin pouts, making me hold out a laugh.
"Because, you need to get out of the apartment. Plus, its beautiful out here; and if this poor man," I point to the driver standing by the hood, as he sends a cheesie smile our way and holds his phone to his ear, "has to wait, then we should too." Justin sighs and his phone goes off multiple times. I could tell he was contemplating on answering his furious vibrating phone. Finally he gives up and he rushes to answer, his tone firm as he starts to pace. While Justin has his girl problems, I go to talk to the driver. He looks as if his phone call was now over; lighting a cigarette now.
"So what's the news?" I ask, my hands clasping.
"A tow trucks gonna come pick us up, and drop us off at the nearest garage." He says, after releasing a puff of smoke from his lips. "About 10 minutes till they get here." He pauses, his eyes on me as I watch the cars speed past us on the busy road. "Ya sure you don't want to call another cab? I won't charge." I shake my head, a smile on my lips.
"Nope; I wanna wait." I lean my body towards him and I say in a hushed voice, "My brothers having Girl Trouble anyways." The old man let's out an old used laugh, as we both shoot a glance at my frustrated "Tag A-Long".
"You wanna break up. Wow. What is this, the fourth time," he pauses, "this week?" There's a short pause and his voice increases in anger, "No, I'm not keeping track to blame you! I wanna make this work, but you keep- Julie. Julie!" He pulls the phone from his ear, "Julie?" He aggressively shoves his phone in his pocket and he runs his fingers through his hair before joining us on the curbside.
"Girls." I click my tongue a couple times while shaking my head.
"Yeah. Tell me about it." He sighs, placing his hands on the cabs hood. We mostly all stand there waiting for our ride. I eventually lean on Justin and he wraps his arms around me, giving me a "Bear Hug" from behind.
"Here they come." I hear the driver announce, as the tow truck pulls up the street. He parks in front of the cab, and does what he gets paid for. When he's all done, we all hop into the vehicles seating arrangement.
"We'll drop you off at twenty-seventh street, that's the closet garage." The truck driver huffs out as he climbs into his metal on wheels.
"Hey, thats where-"
"Justin. Don't." I place my hand on my forehead. I hear him snicker to the broke down cab driver, and I feel my cheeks flush. Of course, the closest garage has to be the one Caleb Thompson works at...

I tried to make this one funny(: I was personally getting tired of all the gloomy chapters! Their important, but depressing. I hope you liked the pancake addition, I thought it'd be cool/funny. Continue reading if you want; I will continue writing(;

- Emuna_Jasmine

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