Is Sleep Even Possible?

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"Welcome, Miss. Johnson. I hope you have a horrible first day!"

I wake up, sweat forming on my forehead and the back of my neck. I had checked into the hotel, the one headquarters paid for, about six hours ago. I look up to see the computer screen still dim. I notice the sleeping form laying uncomfortablely on top of his laptop.  I touch the screen wishing he was here holding me, telling me that everything is going to be fine tomorrow. I'm freaking out, which is normal for me. The bed, that was once the most comfortable thing I had ever slept on, was suddenly hurting my back. I get up, glancing quickly at the clock, noticing it's two in the morning. I stumble into the bathroom, pulling up my hair in a slick, high pony tail. I had on my daisy dukes and a black tank top, but I reach over and slide on Calebs grey Nike hoodie. It has always been baggy on me, and its color always made him look even more attractive; grey and light blue. I freeze, hearing a noise in my room. I grab my closest weapon, my hair brush, and peak my head around the door. When I scan the little space, I lower my guard, thinking someone must have sneezed as they walked by in the hallway. Then I hear it again, and I don't even know how to describe the noise that came up my throat. It was like a cry for help, but it was silent. I guess it was loud enough to wake up Caleb....
"Isabelle?" I hear his husky voice. His head raises and his eyes squint to look into the picture screen.
"I'm fine, I think...." I continue my stance and hold my brush, ready for anything.
"What are you doing?" He runs his fingers over his face, trying to act as if he wasn't tired.
"I heard something." I mumble, settling down, before jumping again as it goes off. This time it was coming from the corner from my bed.
"Isabelle, its Justin." Caleb laughs, looking backwards. I move closer to my laptop to see the screen. Caleb shows me the image of my brother passed out on his couch. "He told me he couldn't sleep, so I offered to house him tonight." I lay back down, on my side, proping myself up on my elbow.
"I didn't mean to wake you."
"It's fine. I understand that you thought your brothers snores were a burglar." He laughs, covering up a yawn that escapes him mouth.
"It's two o'clock; you should go back to bed...." I suggest, silently hoping that he rejects my offer and stays on.
"How about we both, purposely, go to sleep, together?" I nod in agreement, getting up to plug my laptop charger into the wall, helping it stay on till morning. Caleb had his charger already on, so he stays put while I hustle around. I lay back down, pulling the hoodie over my nose, inhaling his scent. We continue to look at one another, until my eyes grow weak, our gaze never leaving each others. Before long, I'm out.
"Isabelle!" I hear Justin's voice.
"Shut off your stupid alarm!" His voice is annoyed and grumpy.
"Sorry." I mumble, looking at the time. "Crap!" I mumble, jumping out of bed.
"Running late?" Caleb's voice pops in.
"Just a little...." I pull my brush through my hair, dragging my butt and the laptop into the bathroom. I stand in front of the mirror, talking to Caleb, and Justin, while lightly curling my hair.
"You look beautiful."
"You're going to make a wonderful first impression; being late."
(I'll let you guess who said what. -.-)
I turn the laptop away, out of the boys view, while I change into my clothes for the day. I pull on my nice pair of jeans, and a white shuffled tank top. I add a light blue suit jacket over my top, giving it color. I slide on, again, not literally, "Slide On", my converse; this time matching the same blue as my jacket.
"Well, don't you look good?" Caleb smiles once I show my outfit.
"Won't you give the Converse a break for once? I mean its a life time deal and you're dressing casually." Justin pokes his head in, and I suddenly feel self-conscious about my choices.
"Isabelle, they told you to be you. This is the you we all love. Never change."
"I love you, Caleb."
"I love you too." I blow an airborne kiss through the camera. He blows one back, and I wave to my brother saying goodbye. As soon as I get ready to collect all my crap, I get a message from Caleb:

You'll do great!
I love you!
And before I know it, my phone chimes once again.
Don't mess it up.
I know Justin is just kidding, but what if I really do mess up? I mean, I've already dragged my family and friends through all of this... I can't just apologize for throwing their lives off track. I grab my keys, and I take deep breaths. I make my way down to the lobby, grateful for the three stops it took to get down there. I stood in the back of the elevator going over in my head whats the worse thing that could happen. When the bell rings and I finally have to walk out of the building, I try to talk myself into going right back upstairs, but instead I find myself walking towards the exit.
"I am a beautiful, talented, young lady, and it doesn't matter if a big lady in my dream business dislikes my work." I stand confident, while waiting for a cab. Before I can motion for one to come, it pulls in front of me. The window rolls down and the man leans over and looks me over. After a while, he finally speaks.
"You goin' somewhere lady?" He shoots an eye towards the traffic ahead, seeming uninterested in giving me a ride.
"Yes, actually. I need to go to Union Books."
"Hop in." He pulls away and I hesitate, thinking about maybe hitchin' the next one. "Ya comin'?"
"Yes." I huff, finally opening the door. When I sit down, I take in how much fancier the cabs are where I live. Lived. I sigh, looking out the window.
"So, ma'am, what are you doing this time of mornin'?" He clicks on his turn signal, waiting to join the rest of the traffic. His eyes meet mine in the rear view mirror and he smirks, which is highly unattractive on him.
"I have an interview." I reply shortly, trying not to lead him on. I am taken, Mr.
"A fine lady like you deserves a real man taken her place to place." I look away at the tall buildings that disappear into the clouds.
"Well, my real man, lives back home." I pull my promise ring into the air, so he could see it clearly.
"Just saying, he'd never know." I had enough.
"I am in a relationship, Mr." I add before sitting back, "Buzz off." He grows quite, I guess not expecting that much loyalty from a woman who he picked up in front of a fancy hotel and in nice clothing. When he finally gets me where I want to be, I hand him a dollar and warn him to avoid ever giving me a ride again.
"Yes ma'am." He politely responds, as I get out. I brush off my clothing, starring up at the tall building. The ones around it are bigger, but it's at least half the size of those.
"Good gravy...." I murmur. My eyes slowly travel down the building, to the sidewalk. I felt like the frog in frogger, trying to cross without dying. When I eventually make it to the entrance, a man greets me by opening the door.
"Nicer than the man who got me here." I mumble, making my way to the main desk, nodding my head at the gentlemen in gratefulness.
"May I help you?" A blonde, older woman politely asks.
"Yes, I'm Isabelle Johnson. I am here for -"
"Miss. Johnson!" I hesitate to look at the voice, my fears crawling up my throat. I turn towards the elevators and my heart hits the floor.

Thanks for reading!

In honor of my first chapter! <3
Look how far I've gotten! C:
In the next chapters picture, it will have a Nike hoodie in the college I made, so it's supposed to be Caleb's.
-The grey and light blue hoodie-

- Emuna_Jasmine

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