Chapter 12: Trust

Start from the beginning

I could hear footsteps behind me. It's time for me to run now. My heart rate rises and I walk even faster. No use. The footsteps only seemed to match mine. 

All of a sudden all I hear is breathing. I scream and was about run away until the person grabbed my arm.

Oh dear God, I'm shaking with fear and because of the cold biting air. The person's hands were big but my eyes were clenched closed.

"Tassy it's me." The man whispered. No, no, no he knows my name.

"Open your fucking eyes, it's Marshall."

My eyes peel open slowly only to find Marshall grabbing my arm.

"This is even worse." I say wiggling out of his grip. 

"Yo, hold up. Where are you coming from dressed like this?" His brows were scrunched up and he not once looked me in the eyes.

"I don't think that's any of your business. I'm a big girl, Marshall"

"Tassy you're barely legal. It's 2:00 am and there are crack heads around here. What if something happens to you?" He asks worriedly.

"Then I'll handle it. Leave me alone." I pull my hand away. To be honest I'm really glad Marshall's here.

He makes me feel safe.

"I can't believe you're acting like this. Come on you're going to have to let me explain." He jogs behind me after I start to walk away.

Almost home and away from him.

"Where are you coming from so late?" I ask. My curiosity couldn't help it.

"I just came from Proof's house." He smiles.

It looks creepy and it was random. I quirk an eyebrow at him.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask still trying to stay mad at him but I could barely fight the smile forming on my face.

He pokes my sides, "you care about me."

He holds his heart. I roll my eyes at him but I was full on smiling.

"See. I missed that smile. I hate when you're mad at me." he says.

We finally made it to my porch and I stood there shyly.

"I know you want to be a big girl but to me, you're my baby girl." He plays with the hem of my shirt.

He sighs and pulls me into a hug.

He smells like weed but I don't care it smells good on him, as stupid as that sounds.

I wrap arms around his skinny waist and inhaled deeply.

He starts rubbing circles into my sides and I start to give in. His hugs are the best.

When he pulls away I had an urge to pull him back.

"I gotta go okay, baby girl." I started squealing in my head. His first nickname for me. He turned around and began walking away.

"Wait!" I yell.

He turns around on his heels and jogs up the steps.

"I was waiting for you to say that." he grabs my arm and I unlock the door.

I was already pretty sleepy but since Marshall wanted to talk I'll let him.

We both sat on the couch and I lay my head on his lap.

"Kim and I broke up sometime last month, a couple weeks before we were dating. I honestly didn't know that she was pregnant and I didn't tell you about her because it'd be kind of awkward talking about my ex." He says.

My eyes were just trained on the way his lips moved when he talks. We both go quiet for a while.

"When I first met you," He pauses a look that I didn't understand was on his face, "I was actually thinking of using you to get her jealous. But after I hung out with you that day, I started to really like you."  He says.

When he saw me the first thing that came into his head was to use me and make his ex jealous but yet he fell for me. I don't know how to feel about this.

"You're a really smart and beautiful girl, and you're funny and playful." he states, "I like a girl who doesn't take herself too seriously."

"Is this going to change everything?" I ask, "do you want to get together with Kim to raise your child?"

"Answer me honestly I'll get it. You'd want to build a family."

He sighs, "I honestly don't know. I didn't have a father growing up and I don't want my kid to go through the struggles I went through. It's tough not having a dad." He says.

At least he's being real.

"But on the other hand, like I said I really like you, and I'd like to see how far we can get in this relationship. I feel like we actually have something going for us."

"I feel it too." I say. I'm not ready to leave him. Even though we're having problems, we can always resolve them in other ways.

"We touch I feel a rush, we clutch it isn't much but it's enough to make me wonder what's in store for us, it's lust. It's torturous but you just did the impossible gain my trust." He raps.

"Did you write that for me?" I gaze at him.

"Yeah. That's how much I think about you." He laughs.

I smile at his cuteness.

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