Chapter 5

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Just wanted to say thank you so much for 300+ reads and 20+ votes! I love you guys! Warning: I do switch POV's in this chapter so watch out for that. Okay you may read now! :)


Chapter 5 

*Zayn's POV* 

"Thanks for the ride Mr. Malik." She said. "You can call me Zayn outside of school; and you are welcome." I said smiling. She smiled back and jumped out. She ran across the road so she could get to her house. She turned around, smiling, and waved. I copied before starting my car and driving off. She was on my mind the whole way home. I couldn't stop thinking about her beautiful face, her hair, her lips. I need to stop. There is NO way that we could be in a relationship... I think. Why did I fall for a student?!? About 30 minutes later, I drove in my driveway. I got out of my car and locked it. I walked inside my flat and went straight to my room. 

The time was about 7:30 so I still had some time to think; since I don't have anything to grade. I took a quick shower and changed into some sweat pants. The only thing on my mind was Naomi. No matter how much I tried getting her out, she wouldn't leave. I couldn't stop thinking of how beautiful she was, how she spoke, how her lips felt on mine. But she is a student and I am a teacher. How would that work? My thoughts were interrupted by my phone dinging, letting me know I have a text. I grabbed my phone and opened the text. It was a text from Louis. I wonder what he wants...

To; Zayn 

From; Louis 

'Hey! Just wanted to let you know that me and the boys will be coming over tomorrow night because... I actually don't know why. Anyways, make sure you have plenty of food!!'  

I smiled at his text. The boys are always doing this; coming over here randomly just because. I responded with an alright and continued to lie down. It was almost 8:30 and I needed to be up by 6 so I can get ready and leave to the school by 7. I went ahead and fell asleep, with Naomi still on my mind. 

*Naomi's POV* 

My alarm went off and I got up. Even when I was asleep, I thought about Zayn. I had dreams about him last night. I went and woke Jamie up, not bothering to make sure she was actually up. I got into the shower and hoped that I could rid him from my mind. But it got worse. I still felt his lips on mine and how I felt happy, something I haven't felt in a long time. 

I got out of the shower and got dressed. I wore a pink tank top and black jeans with pink flats. I also pulled my hair up in a simple ponytail and put only eyeliner and mascara on. I walked out and made sure Jamie was up. I walked into her room and to my surprise, she was actually getting ready. 

I walked out and went back to my room. I checked the time and it was 7. I went and made sure I had everything in my book bag and went downstairs, to wait for Jamie. She came down 15 minutes later. "Thanks for not getting me up completely." I shrugged and started walking towards the door. 

"What's wrong Mi-Mi?" Jamie asked. "Nothing." I said as she walked out the door, closing it then locking it. "I don't believe you. I'm your best friend! I know when something is bothering you. Was it Mr. Malik?" When she said his name, Naomi tensed up. Jamie noticed and sighed. "What happened? And I'll drive if you want me too." 

I handed her the keys and got into my car. Jamie got in and put the key in the ignition. "Now, tell me what happened or we will be late for school." 

I sighed and started to talk. "After everyone left, he gave me a tour. Which lasted maybe 5-10 minutes. We walked back into his classroom, oh he saw the text you sent me you cheeky girl. Anyways, he asked if he could read my essay and I said sure. He read it and said that it was very well written. Then he was close to me and lifted my chin. We gazed into each other's eyes for what felt like hours and then we just kissed. It felt amazing and I couldn't been happier! But then reality kicked in and I realized I was kissing my English teacher. It felt like when I was with Chris, before our relationship got bad." I said. Jamie sat in shock. 

"So, you two kissed?" Jamie asked. I nodded and slowly looked up to her. "Do you know how much trouble this could cause for not only him but for both of you?" She asked as I looked down and nodded. "But there is one thing that I need to know. Naomi, do you love him?" She asked. I started to think. Do I really love Zayn, my English teacher?  

*Zayn's POV* 

The day has gone by so slow. Probably because the students were finishing up their essays. Now, I have 100+ things to grade with another 18-23 coming right now, since the bell just rang for the last class. Wait, isn't Naomi in my last class? Shit, she is. I sighed and watched the students come in one by one. The late bell rang and I watched as some more came in, including Naomi. She sat in the middle of the classroom. She looked so beautiful. I shook it off and stood. 

"Today, you will be finishing up your essays and will be turning them in. Remember, it MUST be 5+ paragraphs!" I said and went back to my desk. I sat and started to grade some of the essays, even now and then looking and making sure the class was doing what they were suppose to do. Eventually, the bell rang and the students, one by one, gave their papers and left. Naomi came up and put her paper down. "Naomi, can you stay after class please." She sighed and nodded, moving so the rest could out their papers down. Once everyone was out, I stood and walked over to her. 

"What do you want Mr. Malik?" She said, not making eye contact. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you but you are just so damn beautiful. I just can't help but look at you. I kissed you because my mind was too focused on you than reality." I said. 

It was true; I was thinking more about her then reality itself. I haven't been able to do that since my last girlfriend, whom cheated on me with my good childhood friend. I haven't talked to both of them since. I could tell that she was shocked. Her face said it all. "I um. I don't know what to say... I think the only reason I kissed back was because I haven't felt what I felt kissing you in long time." 

"What did you feel?" I asked curious. "I felt, I felt happy and actually in love. I haven't felt that for 1 and a half years. My last relationship ended terribly even though we only dated for 4 months." She said, a tear threatening to leave her eye and drip down her cheek. I was about to say something when she interrupted. "I-I have to go. Bye Mr. Malik." She said and walked out.  

I put all of the papers in my binder and made sure I had everything. I then left the classroom, then the school building. I walked over to my car and got in, putting the binder in the seat next to me. I started to drive home when I remembered that the boys would be coming over so I started driving to the store. Doing all of this with Naomi on my mind. Why did I have to fall for her?! Why couldn't it been a nice girl at the store or something? Why am I so stupid?!? I sighed and continued to drive.


So, I hope you guys liked it! If you didn't then that's 100% understandable. I don't really like this chapter myself :/ anyways, I was thinking about adding a "QOTD or Question Of The Day" to each chapter :) So, here is this chapters QOTD :) Who is your favorite member of One Direction? :) Mine is Zayn (of course lol) anyways, comment your answer below! I may dedicate a chapter to you, who knows? ;)

The English Teacher (Zayn Malik Fanfiction) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now