Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 

*skip car ride to the new house* 

We got our stuff out and the taxi drove off. The house was beautiful! We carried our bags in the house and set them down. "You can choose your own rooms." My mom said, taking her bags to a random room to call hers. "Alright!" Jamie and I said simultaneously. We did the same going upstairs. Jamie chose the first bedroom she saw and I chose the one next to hers. My room looks like what a normal teenagers room would. I'm not very picky when it comes to rooms, so I will take any room. I put all of my bags on my bed and took out my phone. It was 9:30pm! Plus, I had school tomorrow. As I folded my 'first day of school' clothes, my mom walked in. "Make sure you and Jamie are in bed before 1 please." 

I nodded and she shut my door. I put my empty bags in my closet. I walked out and heard nothing except music coming from Jamie's room. I knew my mom was gone. I walked into the livingroom and ordered some pizza. I sat there for 15 minutes before the doorbell rang. I paid the pizza delivery man and brung it to the kitchen. 

"JAM-" "Here!" Jamie said, interrupting me. "Okay then, pizza's here." I said, grabbing some. She did the same and we walked into the livingroom. I turned the TV on to some cartoons. It was about 10:20pm. "Wow, today has gone by fast!" Jamie just nodded and continued eating. About 30 minutes later, I was tired. "I'm going to bed." I said, standing up. 

"Me too, night Mi-Mi!" she said, turning off the TV. "Night Jay!" We hugged and went to our rooms. I changed and laid down. I was asleep soon after. 


BEEP, BEEP, BEEP! My phone alarm rang. I shut it off and slumped up. I walked to Jamie's door and knocked. "Jamie?" No answer. I opened the door to here halfway off her bed. I chuckled to myself and walked towards the bed. 

I put my favorite song on 'You Need Me, I Don't Need You' by Ed Sheeran and paused it. I turned it to the loudest my phone could go and put it up to her ear. I pressed play and next thing I know, I'm on the floor under Jamie. She got up and glared at me. "Good morning!" I said, getting up and walking out. I got my clothes and jumped in the shower. I was done around 10 minutes later and got dressed. I wore a black shirt that says 'I

I had everything ready by 7am. School starts at 8 and we live almost 20 minutes away so we would have to leave around 7:20. I walked down with my stuff, bookbag and phone, and surprisingly Jamie was sitting on the couch ready to go. And it was only 7:05! She wore a red shirt with DOMO in a dinosaur costume saying 'DOMO IS RAWRSOME!' with black skinny jeans and black vans along with a beanie and neon green shades. I liked it, it was cute! 

"You wanna go ahead and go? We have until 8 and we can find our lockers and classrooms." I said, leaning against the wall. "Sure!" We got in my car and headed to our new school. We were there by 7:25. I parked my car in a pretty empty car lot. At least we got a good spot in front of the main building. I felt eyes on us as we walked towards the doors. When we walked in the main doors, which entered the front office, we walked up to the desk. 

"Um, excuse me?" The old lady turned to face us. "What can I help you with dear?" "I'm Naomi Davis and this is Jamie Hutcherson. We are new here. We're from America." The old woman thought for a moment then got up. She came back 5 minutes later with 4 pieces of paper. 

"These are both of your schedules and a paper you both keep with you this week, It allows you to be tardy because both of you are new here. I hope your first day is good! Oh there are two things you both should know. Your locker number and code are in the bottom right corner. And last thing, I'm Mrs. Turner. You can go find your lockers now if you'd like." We smiled at Mrs. Turner thanking her and walked into the hallways. 

The English Teacher (Zayn Malik Fanfiction) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now