Chapter Nine

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Louis' phone buzzed next to his laptop. He smiled and picked up his fingers from the keyboard to grab the phone. He knew it was Harry replying to his text message and that made him happy. Harry made him happy.

It had been a little past a month since he'd taken Harry out to celebrate for his birthday and since he'd kissed him. When Harry scurried away, he figured he had spooked him a bit. He didn't want to force Harry into anything, or make him feel like Louis was trying to rush into things, so he hadn't tried anything again. But Louis would be lying if he said he didn't wish he could kiss Harry again. Even if he hadn't really kissed back, he missed the warm feeling of Harry's soft lips. He had felt a small, almost cliche, spark and he hoped Harry had too.

But it didn't matter. He would wait for Harry until he was ready and comfortable to do anything more than hugging and hand holding. He really, really, really liked Harry and he would do whatever it took not to lose him.

H: Yea.well it is my day off so ofcours id b doin u ddnt invite me ovr :(

Louis smile grew a bit wider. He was a bit of a grammar freak and it bugged him whenever people didn't spell things correctly, but with Harry it was different. He found it cute for some reason. Plus, Harry had apologized a million times for his lack of proper spelling, even if Louis hadn't told him anything about it.

L: You know I've got work to do, I'm sorry.

H: I kno im jokin. u finish ur work mr boss

L: I'm closer to finishing. Want to grab something at Lu's after I'm done?

Louis had something to ask Harry, but it would be better to ask it in person.

H: If ur done b4 7

L: Alright, I'll finish at 6:59 and I'll pick you up.

Harry had finally told Louis where he lived, but he still hadn't allowed him up. But he respected that, and he knew he had a roommate so he wouldn't want to intrude.

Harry picked up his phone and replied.

H: K,finish up then,ill leave u alon 4 the nxt 2 hours bye! :)

L: See you then, H. :)

Harry had gotten a million times more comfortable with Louis. He was such an important part of his life now and he couldn't simply just drop him. But of course, that only made Nick angrier and more irritable everyday. Which was probably why they spoke less and less everyday. Whenever they did talk, it was all cold, harsh tones. Harry loved Nick, but he was really starting to question where their relationship was going.

He didn't want to live with someone who only picked fights with him. It wasn't even all about Louis anymore. Sure, Nick would bring him in any chance he could, but then sometimes the fights were beyond pointless. At times, he'd bring his bad vibes from work and lash out at Harry for something he had taken no part in. Or they'd argue more about money. Something that hadn't been a problem before was slowly becoming one of the major problems that was splitting them up.

He set everything aside for now though. He was tired so he let his droopy eyes close in the meantime while he waited for Louis to finish up.


Harry looked up and locked eyes with Louis. His blue eyes staring so deeply into his. Harry was under a spell as they both pulled closer and locked lips. Harry's entire body tingled and he felt happier than he had in while. When they pulled away, Harry heard a distant ringing but he paid little attention to it, all he wanted to do was focus on Louis.

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