Chapter Two

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"You know what you should do?"


"Go out with him."

"What?" Harry replied, shocked.

"Why not? He could be like your sugar daddy..."

"Are you crazy?"

"No, I'm desperate, and maybe a little crazy..."

"You're insane." He laughed.

"Just a little bit."

Harry looked thoughtful before saying, "But hey, it actually might not be too bad of an idea..."

"I wasn't being completely serious, Harry."

"I know, but think about it, I go out with him a few times, and maybe bring back little extra. Just to help us out, I feel so bad for you having to work so hard and me not being able to help out."

"It doesn't sound like such a bad idea, but it would feel wrong to some extent."

"I know, I would feel absolutely horrible doing it, but we just really need the help."

"This is crazy, it's going to feel like we're criminals."

"I know!"

"Just a few dates right? I don't want to share you with anyone else."

"Just a few. You're the only person in this world I want and you know that, we've been together for over 6 years, I don't think anyone can replace you."


Nick smiled at him. They picked up their plates and brought them over to the sink. He was about to pick up the sponge but Harry stopped him.

"I'll do the dishes, you go shower or go rest or something, you've been working hard today."

"Thanks Harry." He kissed his cheek and walked off to the hallway.

Harry quickly finished washing the dishes and cleaning up around the kitchen. As he was wiping down the table, he picked up the business card and set down the small cleaning towel.

They had a very old computer located in their living room, sure it was ancient but it got the job done. Harry walked to the computer and took a seat after turning it on. After waiting a few minutes for everything to load he clicked on the internet browser. He slowly typed in "Louis Tomlinson" onto the search bar and waited for the results to load.

"Louis Tomlinson, 28 year old CEO of Sony Corporations, becomes the youngest CEO of company history after his father passed it down to him. Louis was a bright student and received various business degrees during his education years." Harry read aloud to himself.

"Whatcha reading?" Nick came out from the bathroom showered and changed into a t-shirt and shorts.

"Just thought I'd do some research on," he lifted up the business card.

"Ah, what'd you find?"

"Well he's definitely the CEO, only 28, um, his father passed down the company to him, and he's brilliant to say the least."

"Wow, smart, young, and handsome."

"Yup..." Harry said with an unsure tone.

"Well at least you won't be going out with a completely older guy, he's only 2 years older than us."

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