Chapter Five

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It had been two weeks since Louis took Harry out for lunch, and he was currently sitting in a meeting, feeling a bit excited because he had invited Harry over to his house with the promise of a lovely homemade meal. He had been extra busy the past two weeks so he had to continue postponing the date and time of their meet-up.

Harry on the other hand was sitting on his couch bored out of his mind. He was still on leave from work and it was driving him nuts, not really having much to do during his day all alone. He felt much better, and didn't understand why they wouldn't just let him go back to work already. But at the same time he understood why, every time he'd try to pick something up and a, now, small pain shot through his back. He really was feeling better though, resting, a bit too much, and taking his medications as indicated.

He rolled off the couch and onto the floor and spread himself all over the carpet, then put his feet up on the couch and just stared at the ceiling for a while. He groaned when his phone rang, not wanting to move a single muscle, being in such a comfortable position. He stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out his trusty flip phone.



"Hi sir."

"How are you my boy?"

"Doing fine, how about you?"

"I'm great, missing my favorite packager."

"I'm missing my favorite boss and the packaging as well sir."

"Well that's good, do you think you're ready to come back now?"

"I've been more than ready!" He said, sitting up from his previous position and getting a bit of whiplash in the process.

"That's great. We've all missed you here. How's this, go get a final check up from your doctor and have him give you the okay that you're all set and clear to work again, and you can come back on Monday."

"Y-yeah, I'll call in right now, thank you."

"No problem, see you Monday hopefully."

"Hopefully, goodbye sir."

"Bye, Harry."

Harry shut his phone and let out a loud breath. He was quite happy to say the least. Most people would probably want to take as much sick time as possible and not want to return to work at a toy factory, but he was honestly going crazy being stuck at home. He smiled as he dialed his doctor's office and waited for the receptionist to answer.

After asking to set up an appointment for a final check up, he got up and marked a calendar that was hung in the hallway in a between the door that led to the bathroom on the left and bedroom door on the right. He uncapped the miniature sharpie and scribbled "check up" on the box marking two days after today. He had less than a week before he was due at work, but he was happy knowing he was going back soon. Knowing he was going to be able to start making some more money as well, hopefully helping with the bills more, and hopefully not feeling guilty about the whole Louis thing.


Harry had almost forgotten he had a dinner thing planned with him today.

He wasn't due at Louis' house till after 6, which was when Louis said he'd get out of his last meeting if it meant having to run out faking being sick. It was currently a little after 4PM so Harry guessed he should hop in the shower. He hadn't had the chance to shower in the morning and figured it'd be okay to do it later anyways.

Nick was at work and Harry told him he'd leave him some dinner while he was with Louis. He wasn't too happy with it, but he understood. He had been pretty shocked with the check Louis gave Harry and hugged him saying they were going to be okay for a month or two without having to worry too much about where they got their money from. They both felt guilty, not speaking about it much, but they did. It didn't feel right, especially not for Harry, but at least he wasn't really causing any damage to anyone... or at least he hoped so.

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