Chapter VIII

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Hey guys I am updating this! I know I usually switch between this one and Demi-god Prince, but I had much more written for this chapter than the one for that one so I am updating this one first. So there are a couple time skips because no one wants to read boring parts. Also sorry for how this one ends. I have to think more how I want to set up the next chapter. When I do that and if I am not too lazy I will change it to make it a little better later. Anyway thank you all for understanding about me coming out with slower updates. Also a big thank you for reading, commenting, and voting!

Two Months Later

Jason POV

I entered History class and as always my eyes wondered to the back of the class where Percy was. Like usual he was wearing a hoodie and dark circles were under his eyes. After the first week everyone had shunned Percy. During the week he had come back all of our group tried to talk to him. Thalia ended up yelling at him, but he yelled right back making enemies with Luke, Reyna, Artemis, and Zoe. Hazel tried to talk to him and he shoved her away making enemies with Nico, Will, and Bianca. Clarisse tried to fight him, but was unprepared when it took one hard punch to the jaw to knock her out flat. That was took the rest to shun him. Dad had even asked me what was going on with Percy. Thalia had immediately spoke up saying that he was a jerk and walked out of the room. He looked to me. I told him something was going on with Percy and it made us fall apart right now. Dad was worried, but left it to us.

"Why do you torture yourself and keeping looking back there every day," Nico asked as we sat down. I shrugged.

"I don't know. Something just seems wrong and I can't shake it off." (Not the song! Uhg...)

"You still have a crush on him?"

"I don't know." There were many times that I had saw Percy when he thought no one was watching, when he thought that no one was around. His eyes were broken and sometimes I even saw tears in his eyes. He would often find a place that he was alone and curl up into himself. The cast was now gone, but he was wearing a brace and would always curl around it. I wanted so bad to confront him, but either I would be interrupted by someone or he shut me out. The bell rang and I sighed. Here went another school day.

Percy POV

I got home and was immediately thrown against the wall.

"You're late!" I spit in his face. I was done caring about myself as I got thrown to the floor. A hard kick was sent to my ribs and my already sore ribs gave in with a crack. I gritted my teeth at the pain as I curled up.

"HOW DARE YOU SPIT IN MY FACE!" Even though I knew that I would get into trouble and that it would kill my ribs, I laughed. This didn't seem impress Gabe he grabbed my hair jerking up. I smiled in his face.

"Go ahead. Make my day."

Jason POV

Percy wasn't at school on Tuesday and I was worried. Every time he missed school he seemed to comeback worse than he was before. It seemed like everyone else was happy that Percy wasn't here, but I didn't like it. I decided to skip school. I needed to talk to someone and I knew the person to go to. I went to the Hearth's Harvest. I entered the shop.

"Jason what are you doing here," Hestia asked as she came from the back. "Don't you have school today?" I stood at the counter.

"Yeah, but I need help and I don't know who else I can talk to."

"Come to the back. Demeter is out right now so it will be only you and I." I followed her back to the kitchen and into a little sitting place.

"So Jason what can I do for you?"

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