Chapter III

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Here it is! Super long for making up that I haven't updated it in a month. Sorry. I have been busy beyond belief, plus my computer crashed, and I got sick! Yay me! Hope you like. ME NO RICK RIORAN!

Next Morning Percy POV

I got up early, like usual and like usual my whole body hurt. I hope we didn't do anything too extraneous in gym today. Since it was only four, I did my homework. I got my math and physics done. I then started to read Lord of the Flies. It was a weird story and by the time it was six I was half way through it. I hurriedly got up and dressed so I could make the pig's breakfast. I made eggs, bacon(cannibal), and toast. Thankfully I had it hot and done by six forty when the pig came out of his room. I went to make myself scarce as he sat down, but I was stopped.

"What are you doing scum?" His voice was calm, but I knew that this was about to go bad. I turned and faced the floor.

"I was getting out of your sight sir," I said quietly. Please just let me leave.

"What is on my plate?"

"Eggs, bacon, and toast."

"WHY IS THERE BACON?! I SAID SAUSAGE!" I didn't look up as I heard the plate crash to the floor.

"I am sorry sir. I thought you said bacon." I heard the chair scrap backwards falling in the process with a crash. The next thing I knew I was flung to the floor with a slap to my face. Why could an accountant hit so hard?

"YOU PIECE OF TRASH! DO YOU REALLY WANT ME TO TAKE YOUR MOTHER AWAY FROM THE HOSPITAL?!" There it was, the thing that he always held over me.

"No sir." I stayed on the floor, hoping that he would stop there. No such luck as he again grabbed me by the hair. He made it so we were face to face and I could smell his horrid breath.

"I think you will miss school today." This was not going to be fun, was the last thing I thought about as he started beating me until I passed out.

Jason POV

I looked for Percy as Thalia and I drove to school, but unlike yesterday I did not see him. Maybe he got to school early. I would have to wait until gym to see him. When we entered school today nothing was out of the ordinary, it had also helped when Coach Ares had pushed the Stolls, since like everyone else he knew what they had done. Nico and I made it through history and this time I paid attention. Good thing too cause Chiron decided to start with world history. He started with Mesopotamia, all the way at the beginning. Uhg. We made it with getting a two worksheets for homework. Next was the beast. She took our homework immediately and then started on the next part. I had to take notes like a mad man since she went fast and would not stop to explain. I was going to have to ask either Annabeth or Thalia to see if they could help.

"Man she is horrible," Hazel said as we walked out.

"You're telling me. I am going to have to ask for help, this is like trying to read Latin. (Hehe)

"Well have fun in Chem."

"Go have fun drawing." Connor looked tired as I entered Chem. Serves him and Travis right. He actually slept all through class and much to everyone's amusement he jumped when the bell rang.

"Mr. Stoll see me at my desk," Daedalus said. He looked at me.

"Why didn't you wake me up," he grumbled.

"You seemed tired. I didn't want to trouble you." I gave him a smile.

"Watch your back Grace," he said and I left to head to the gym. I didn't see Percy as I got there and changed. When I came out he wasn't there at all. What had happened? Was he not here for his second day? I went to Hermes.

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