Chapter V

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Percy POV

I woke up confused. My body felt relaxed, like really relaxed. I don't remember waking up so relaxed before. I felt safe, but why? I heard a snore and my heart dropped. Did Gabe knock me around so much that I forgot what happened and he was now sleeping beside me? I snapped open my eyes to find that I was in a room not my own. What was going on? I sat up, carefully as my arm was throbbing again, in the big bed as I heard a light snore again and found Jason sleeping on the floor. My stomach dropped then as I remembered last night. He must think me a freak. I curled my knees to my chest. I probably just pushed away a good friend, but now I would never know. I would probably never be allowed over here. I wouldn't get information from any of them and Zeus wouldn't be able to help if I had found him worthy. I jumped out of my skin as an alarm sounded Jason mumbled he stood up sleepily and turned off the alarm. He yawned and turned to me. He froze, his eyes wide at the sight at me. Tears formed as I guessed he was thinking I was freak. I turned my head away from him.

"Percy I am so sorry." I turned to him. What was he talking about?

"Why? It was my fault?" His face showed of puzzlement.

"It wasn't your fault Percy. I pushed you." I shook my head.

"It was my fault. I...," I couldn't finish the sentence. For the first time in a long while I couldn't come up with a lie to say why I did what I did. He sat on the bed and it took all of my will power not to flinch.

"No Percy, it was my fault. I was going too fast and scared you." My head snapped up to look at him. I could see how guilty he felt.

"I wasn't scared of you. I just haven't had the greatest bed experience and I was selfish. I was scared at that, not of you." His eyes hardened.

"What do you mean you haven't had the greatest bed experiences? Has someone hurt you?" My chest hurt. Even though I only knew him a couple days, well from what I could remember, I trusted him very much. I hated that I couldn't tell him the truth, even though all I wanted to do was tell him. That would be selfish though, it was not his burden to bare. I shook my head and gave him a small smile.

"No just a bad relationship is all. After one I quit having any at all." He seemed to calm a little at my explanation, but it was as if he knew something was wrong with it. Suddenly punk rock music came through the walls. He sighed.

"That would be Thalia. She always plays her music loud." I gave a small laugh, which made him smile.

"Are we good then," he hesitantly asked. I smiled.

"We're good." He smiled back and got up. He went to his closet.

"Come see what you'd like to wear."

"I can just wear what I did yesterday." Jason looked at me.

"No, you can't, besides your jeans." People will notice and they will comment. This school is very close and people notice everything."

"Then what about me wearing your clothes? Won't they notice that?" He looked thoughtful.

"Maybe, or maybe not. If they do you can just say you were helping me with Math, heaven know I need the help with the Beast giving us homework. I am going to have to get a tutor soon if she makes it much harder." I got up and went over to him.

"I can tutor you during study hall if you'd like and every Wednesday if you'd like." He grinned and his sky blue eyes sparkled.

"I'd love that." With that he went back to look in his closet. He took out a light grey t shirt and after a moment a dark blue hoodie handing it to me also.

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