Brutal Christmas Dinner.

Start from the beginning

"Nate's home he told us what happened. He dropped Lynda home she didn't want to miss her first Christmas dinner with her family." He informed.

"How did you do it?" I asked him referring to the time when Vanessa date Luke and she openly claimed in front of him that she had feelings for Nate.

"I couldn't do it. I over-reacted which resulted in Vanessa getting lost. I messed up pretty bad. I am not as strong as you. Vanessa and Luke's fake relationship was at least behind the curtains. It would have killed me if I had seen them together and I know it is difficult but I am very proud of you Stel. Just hold on. He'll realize what he is looking for has been here the whole time."

"Looks like I am not the only one who quotes Taylor Swift during  bad love life days." I laughed.

"She's cheer-captain and I am on the bleachers. Dreaming bout the day when you wake up and find.." He sung the chords and I joined along. "that what you're looking for has been here the whole time.."

"Hey no breakup songs are to be sung without me." Vanessa popped out from behind and hugged both of us.

"Thank you guys. You're the best." I said genuinely and then continued after a deep breath "Okay now lets go face the brutal Christmas dinner."


The dinner had to be delicious thanks to the chefs who drop by each year to make our Christmas better. Somehow they always managed to get something different each year but the food is not the issue. The issue is my mom sitting in front of me with an elegantly disgusted expression on her face, love-struck Nate on my left with Vanessa and Ash sitting in front of each other getting touchy under the table and my dad checking out Nate's rough draft on my right. This is by far the most boring Christmas dinner to be honest I am kind of disappointed in the lack of drama.

"hm...I must admit I am quite impressed Nate. You have really displayed my company well especially considering this industry is not your expertise field." Dad said while bringing his spoon up to finally take first bite of his chicken.

"Thank you sir. I can't take the entire credit though. Your daughter was kind enough to help me out while I gawked around like a dofus." He chuckled as he completed and I smiled along while sipping the martini.

"So you agree that you are stupid.." I couldn't go without commenting on his self-cursing. 

"Oh shut up Stella. He's being such a sweetheart be ladylike and thank him." Mom gave me the eye.

"Thanks." I muttered quickly and took another sip of my martini. Alcohol you are my only escape today.

"The pleasure is all mine." He smiled at his unfair victory and I just rolled my eyes.

"Oh the attitude she has, Nate." Mom started taking again " I wish she was more like you or Vanessa. You both are so much more presentable."

"How sweet Mrs. Hastings. But I assure you Stella is one of a kind." Vanessa did her usual modesty play and boasting me in front of my mom. It hadn't worked for so long it isn't going to work today.

'You wanted drama. Be careful what you wish for.' Inner me said and I finished my glass of martini and the butler came forward to fill it again. 

"I'll go with red wine now." I whispered to him.

"Take it easy, we all know the wonders alcohol does for you." Nate muttered soft enough so that only I could hear it.

"Why do you care? Oh right. You would have to get your camera ready for everything that happens. Get my best angle you know I am the star of you 'lets ruin Stella's life' show." I smirked and turned back to focus at my food.

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