Chapter Forty

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Even as she cursed her own stupidity, Sang continued to carefully make her way from branch to branch.

All of them were going to kill her if the hybrids didn't manage it first.

She was going down far enough to see what was happening.

The sounds were awful but she couldn't go another second without knowing if Nathan was still alive. Even as hard as she tried, every time she tried to sense him, there was nothing but a black hole.

Although she still felt slightly light-headed, Sang was determined and it took only a few moments before she could lower herself on to a thick enough tree branch. It was a long way from the ground but she still had a clear view to the ground.

She barely bit back a gasp as dozens of dark shapes launched themselves at Nathan, their long claws glinting in the thin light as they aimed for unprotected skin.

Knowing that she couldn't distract him, she fought down her own need to do something.

Or, at least, she tried to but her willpower fled the moment that she saw the Immortal forced to his knees.

"Pathetic," One of the creatures hissed, his voice oddly familiar. "I will enjoy..."

Witnessing one of the others pull out a long blade, she couldn't hold her tongue. "Nathan!" She screamed, drawing the undivided attention of every hybrid present and the undivided fury of her Immortal protector.

"Sang!" He bit out, "Climb back up to the branch that I left you on."

"Pretty..." The creepy voice slurred once more, its owner turning his face up so that she could see strange rose coloured eyes. "You should come down here. None of us will hurt you, sweet little Sang."

Her eyes widened even as her heart froze. She knew that face and the stench permeating the air around them was cuttingly familiar, "Mr Blyre?"

He giggled, "I'm so glad that I don't have to hide from you, my sweet."

"Don't call me that," She whispered. "What are you? What do you want?"

"Amazing. You really don't know," He slapped his hands together. "You don't belong with the Immortal scum. Come down and we'll leave."

Nathan struggled harder against those restraining him, "Do not speak to her! Sang, climb."

"Kill him," Mr Blyre snapped.

"No!" Sang screamed, holding her hands out as though she could protect him. "Please don't."

"Then come down."

"Las-o in pace. Nu o atingeți!" Nathan roared, his body bucking under the weight of his attackers.

The sounds of scrapping had Sang glancing down, her whole being jerking in terror as she realised that a number of the hybrids were beginning to climb the tree towards her.

"W-what do you want with me?"

"You belong with me, Sang".

She shook her head vigourously, "I don't know what that means. I have no idea what's going on."

"Come down and I will explain," He invited pleasantly. His fangs gave him a gruesome appearance even as he smiled.

She screamed hysterically as fingers scrapped along the bottom of her shoe, "Please."


Nathan's cry was swiftly followed by an explosion of rage-filled wind. The creature tormenting her was suddenly thrown away, its blooding spraying in a wide arc.

"I believe that you are suddenly on the wrong side of this battle, Mr Blyre." Owen's voice was smooth and calm as Sang began to sob silently.

Sitting there, she thought that she was going to have watch Nathan die trying to protect her. Nothing in the world could have relieved her as much as hearing that emotionless voice.

Realising that the hybrids were now ringed by Owen, Gabriel, Victor, Silas and Dakota.

"Sang, have you been harmed?" Gabriel asked quietly, his eyes electric.

"N-n-n-no," She whispered. She carefully drew her knees into her chest.

"NO!" Mr Blyre screamed, throwing himself forward. A signal which set everyone into a frenzy of motion. Sang stuggled to work out what was happening as blood began to hit the ground, along with a pile of bodies.

She knew that the Immortals wanted her to close her eyes but she couldn't. She needed to know what was happening.

"Sang!" Mr Blyre shrieked. "You don't belong with them, you belong with me! Don't let them do this."

Her hands crept up until they covered her ears. She didn't want to hear him anymore.

"San..." His voice cut out on a ripping gurgle. Victor had forced him to his knees, those mystical eyes hidden by shadows.

"Do not speak to her," Victor ordered, his beautiful voice transformed as it thundered through the night air.

Then, as she watched, he used his musicians hands to decapitate the hybrid who she had known as Callen Blyre.

It was the final straw, watching that headless body slowly fall forward onto the snow covered ground.

Her vision darkened as she felt herself drop, her mind listlessly wondering if she would survive the fall.

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