So I guess this is me.. Mated to Ethan, alpha of fallen moon which seems like a normal pack. but I have so many questions regarding it that how can i be announced as Luna when I know nothing about them. And than there's him. I'm usually pretty good with working people out but he's a mystery everytime I feel as though I've got it he throws another curve ball or dodges me completely leaving me to reset and start again.

I rest my head down and close my eyes as the weight of it all feels too much.

"Mia?" I hear a soft voice coming from behind the bushes in front of me

I stand immediately feeling caught off guard as my eyes scan the area

"It's Chloe" I hear her say as I spot her walking towards me stopping just a few metres down the path

I take a deep breath as I see the slight smile on her face

"Do you all take lessons on how to sneak up on people" I say as I walk down to meeting her

"Pretty much" she says with a shrug of her shoulders


"What are you doing here?" I say frowning as it's odd she's standing here early hours of the morning

"Im on duty for patrol I walk this way as I meet up with the others for change of shift" she says glancing the way I went yesterday.

My eyes light up, before I can stop myself

"Can I come" I ask sounding a little bit too excited, I need to calm down

She frowns at me as she than looks to the ground

"I don't think that's a very good idea.. Where's Ethan?" She questions slowly as she looks behind me up at the house.

I look behind me at the patio door still closed with no signs of movement inside

"He's sleeping" I reply looking back at her, still feeling eager to come but I did turn it down a notch

"Ah I don't know Mia"

"I won't stay long and I'll be back before he knows I was even gone" I say with a bit of a jump in my step

She eyes me suspiciously as I give her a pleading look

"Fine" she says crumbling under my gaze


"Come on I'm already late" she says turning with a smile on her face

I feel my wolf jumping with joy as we walk with Chloe headed around the lake towards the clearing

"Has Ethan always been this difficult" I say breaking the silence voicing my thoughts

"What do you mean" she asks sounding confused

"Like he seems very....guarded and...always on edge" I say trying to describe him in the nicest way possible

She softly giggles as we walk side by side

"Yes he's a very hard man with a short fuse" she says laughing lightly

I sigh at her words not really finding it funny

"I've never seen him relax.. Until he found you" she says looking over to me

"You think he's relaxed?" I state feeling confused that although he seems calm sometimes there's still the anger that dominates him

"He's a tough man Mia but he's also a very caring man and has the best intensions when it comes to his pack" she says sounding distracted

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