Chapter Five - Alena's P.O.V

Start from the beginning

"Hold on, I'll go ask Mark." Josh stood up and walked to the front of the bus where I assumed Mark, whoever he was, was sitting. After a moment, Josh came back out from behind the small door and nodded to me, "He said it's absolutely fine, but we should try to make it quick."

"I will, I promise. Thank you so much." After another twenty minutes or so of sitting on the bus and listening to the guys talk, a man who I'm assuming was Mark poked his head out from the door and told us that we were now on our way, and that they needed my address so they could stop at my house.

After saying it out loud, Josh then introduced me to this man who was in fact Mark. "It's great to meet you, thank you for having me here."

"Oh it's not a problem. I'm not the one that will be hosting you here. But if there is ever anything that you need and these two are too lazy to help you out, just let me know."

"Thank you," I laughed, but Josh and Tyler were both just offended. I reached for my phone and texted Derrick, asking him to unlock the door so I could come up and quickly pack my stuff. Since I gave him my keys, I had no way of getting in the house without having Derrick let me in, and I didn't want to waste any time of him getting up after hearing the doorbell and opening the door, or him possibly falling asleep and not being awake to let me in.

"It's unlocked, you can come right in" He sent back after a couple minutes, and before I knew it the bus had pulled right into my driveway.

"Seriously? You live here?" Tyler asked, again, almost as if everything were a little more normal than before.

"Yeah, why?"

"This is literally a block away from where you lived in high school."

"Yeah, my parents still live there." Living near my parents' house and their wealthy neighborhood meant that I also had a wealthy neighborhood of my own. It was certainly odd having a house similar in size to my old home with just two people, but it would be more occupied someday.

"That's awesome," Tyler noted before Josh could interrupt him.

"Tyler shut up, she has to go get her stuff." I just laughed before opening the door to the bus and running through the front door of the house and up the stairs to pack my stuff. Derrick was laying in bed, flicking through the TV channels in his pajamas.

But I tried to ignore him, I was in a rush. I went into the closet and tossed a ton of random shirts and bottoms and a pair of flats that would go with everything into my wheeled carry on bag. After that came a couple pairs of pjs, and then my laptop, my laptop and phone chargers, and my headphones.

Before I could walk out the door, I gave Derrick a kiss and said goodbye, and ran out, locking the door behind me, and running onto the bus.

"Okay, sorry if I took too long." I closed the door behind me before now sitting in a different seat with more space for my stuff too.

"Perfect timing, let's go Mark!" Josh yelled to the front, and without a moment more of a wait, we were on the road to New York.

The trip started with me mostly being on my laptop and listening to music, but it wasn't too long before Josh decided to come over and bug me like he used to.

"What are you listening to?" He pulled out my right earbud and leaned over my side to see what I was doing.

"Nothing," I quickly muted my music before he could hear it, but Josh instead just graced his fingers over the track pad and opened iTunes before I could swat his hands away.

"Really Alena? We are sitting right here. If you want to hear our music just ask." I was sort of embarrassed, although I couldn't really pin why. But I just shrugged.

"I don't know, I wanted a little privacy so I figured this would put me in my own world for a while." I closed the computer closed before Josh could snoop through anything else, and turned to face Josh, as well as Tyler who was still laying where he was an hour ago.

"Wait, when did you guys stop for dinner?" I asked, noticing the Taco Bell bag on the floor next to Tyler's seat.

"Wow, you really were in your own little world. We stopped nearly an hour ago. Why, are you hungry now? We can stop somewhere if you need us to?" Josh offered, but I shook my head.

"No I'm fine, I just didn't even feel the bus stop or anything so I didn't really know."

"So you like our music?" Josh asked, already knowing the very obvious answer.

"Of course I like your music, what kind of question is that?"

"I want to hear all the details about what you think of it. Favorite album?" It was nearly impossible to choose a favorite album. I loved them all.

"Don't have one."

"Favorite song?"

"Don't have one either." Josh rolled his eyes.

"Are you kidding?" I shook my head and laughed.

"Well, let's do it this way." Tyler finally sat up and joined in on the conversation. "We'll say an album or song and you tell us what you think of it, favorite parts, all that."

"I can do that." The two stopped and talked for a second to pick a song for me to evaluate. This went on for what felt like forever. I told them my favorite lyrics of each song, the parts that I liked musically, my theories for the meanings behind them, and this was for nearly every song.

"Wait, you've heard Regional At Best and No Phun Intended?" Tyler asked.

"Well, yeah, there's this thing called the internet. You can find literally everything."

"I just assumed that you hadn't dug that deep into it." Tyler responded, his eyes sort of falling to the floor and realizing that I had heard all of the progressed versions of the songs he'd written for me once upon a time.

It was quiet for a second, but I broke the silence, standing up and grabbing my laptop in my hand. "I think I'm going to head to bed, I'm getting really tired. Does it matter which bunk I sleep in?" I faced the two boys to ask.

"I'll show you which one," Josh stood up and walked in front of me, so I just followed him through the tiny doorway to the bunks on both sides of the bus. "You can bunk anywhere but here or here." Josh told me, pointing to his and Tyler's bunks. I had looked at the several others and decided on the middle bunk on the left side, right above Josh's.

After placing my phone in the space, I placed my laptop on a small table at the end of the hall we stood in. Josh grabbed a giant stuffed navy blue comforter and a couple of pillows from a small closet and tossed them onto my bunk. Then pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm so glad you're here Alena." He sighed into my shoulder. "It feels good to have a piece of home with us again." I just smiled into his chest and squeezed him back. "If you need anything at all you just come talk to me okay?"

"Thank you Josh, really, for everything." I looked up into his eyes after we pulled out of our embrace.

"Goodnight Alena, sweet dreams." He turned and slid the door to the side to walk back into the main part of the bus, and before he could close the door I yelled out a goodnight to Tyler.

Once the door was tightly shut, I crawled into my bunk and under the covers, letting my thoughts consume me and eventually, bring me to sleep. 

AUTHOR'S NOTE; currently obsessing over badlands rn because it is f l a w l e s s. 

I have been trying to update consistently, but for the next couple days I probably won't be able to update, I have a very busy weekend. But I promise I will still be writing when I can and I will have another chapter for you all very soon :) Thank you for reading! Please vote, comment, &share|-/ 

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