First Semester will end soon

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It’s so early in the morning and I feel like my head keeps on banging, it really hurts.

I think my head is going to explode soon but even though I’m having such a painful headache. I feel so happy. Why am I even happy?

Oooh! I just remembered that I was drunk last night everything is blurry but somehow I remember some of the happenings last night. I know that Kyuhyun took care of me and that we cleared the misunderstanding.

Ahh, I remember everything now.


Last night is the best night of my life. Kyuhyun just showed me how much he is serious in our relationship and that he really loves me.

Yah, Cho Kyuhyun, now that I think about it you’re going to give me a heart attack.! Saying those cheesy lines to me, even though I am drunk I remember everything, Why won’t I? It’s the sweetest thing Kyuhyun have ever said to me.

I would never have thought that Kyuhyun thinks about me that way, that he treasures me so much that he doesn’t want to hurt me. He’s so sweet. I’m so lucky to have him as my boyfriend. Don’t you agree? He accepts me whole heartedly, even my flaws. Aish, cho Kyuhyun, if you’re always that serious and sweet like that I’d definitely fall deeper and deeper in love with you……



I was spazzing when suddenly I felt a pillow hit my head. Aish! Who threw that, I already have a heavy headache then someone will throw a pillow at me. I looked at my door because that’s where the direction of the pillow came from and I saw Kyuhyun, speak of the devil.

“hey, ugly rabbit, stop daydreaming or we’ll be late for school!”

I just glared at him.

“shut up, perverted fox! Leave me alone so that I can get ready.”

Then he just smirked at me. “perverted fox? Aren’t you the perverted girl last night who tried to rape me?”

Yah! I don’t want to remember that~! He still remembers that!!!


I picked up the pillow he threw at me and threw it back to him. “yah! Leave me alone!”

Then before the pillow could hit him he just closed the door.

Aish, what a pain on the neck! God, I know you will forgive me if I kill him now!

hahahaha, I’m such an evil girlfriend, well he is an evil boyfriend so we’re equal.

When I went downstairs, I saw my brother eating with Ryeowook and Kyuhyun at the dining room.

My brother is in here.

“Good morning!” I greet them.

“Good morning, Minnie!” Ryeowook greeted me but the two didn’t. I can hear them talking about games.

“are you sure that there’s already a starcraft II? I haven’t played it yet.” Sungjin asked Kyuhyun.

“Yeah, there is but I am also kinda new to it yet, but I’m an expert in the first edition of Starcraft.”

“Teach me! Teach me!”

These two gamefreaks.

I smack their heads both.

“Oww!” both of them said.

“serves you two for not paying attention to me.”

“aish, even to your brother you’re jealous,” Kyuhyun said then he turned to Sungjin “How can you stand living with this violent sister of yours?”

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