Mr Jerk and Ms Bunny Doll

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Sungmin just keeps on walking towards the cafeteria after her encounter with Kyuhyun.

“That jerk, I thought that for real he cares about other person other than himself, Aish! Such a pain in the butt, so stupid of me to assume that , that jerk knows how to be bothered for others, I really hate him!” she said to herself irritatedly. She really thought that Kyuhyun isn’t a bad person after all and that they could be friends.

Such an asshole.

“hey! Hey! Bunny doll! ” someone is calling her so she turned around and saw Kyuhyun calling her.


“What do you want? And don’t call me, bunny, doll, or whatsoever! I have a name.”

“whatever, You look like a barbie doll and a bunny so I want to call you that, is there something wrong with that.”

“yes there is because I have a name, a person has a name so that people can call them by it. You Perverted Fox!”

“Fox! Who gave you the right to call me a fox?!”

“You did since you called me bunny!”

Both of them are yelling at each other, many people are looking at them because their voices can be heard through out the hallway.

“Why are you even following me? Go away!”

“You’re assuming again bunny doll! We’re just going in the same way!”

“Then why are you saying ‘hey, hey, bunny doll’ just a minute ago?”

“Will you stop shouting, many people are looking at us already, is it bad to call you?”

“hell yeah so stop following me” then Sungmin ran but Kyuhyun is still following her, And when Sungmin suddenly got to a place where there’s no much student are going she stopped and sighed in relief.

“I wish that brat would stop following me, what does he want? what’s his problem? Gonna irritate me again? Aish, he is such a pain, because of him I ended up here, a very desserted place in school I guess, I can’t see anyone in here, how can I go to the cafeteria? It’s only just my first day, I’m not yet used to this place. Aish! That Cho Kyuhyun really is a big pain!!!!!!!!!!”

But then as Sungmin was talking to herself, he felt water splashed above her leaving her shock by what just happened. She is now drenched and wet because of too much water that spread over his whole body even her environment. Who splashed water over her? She looked up and saw the two girls’s from before. Sooyoung and Seohyun.

“sorry nerdy, It’s just a welcoming remarks to you here in our school.” Then they left leaving Sungmin there wet and drenched with water, too much water.


Where the hell is that guy go? He’s so fast. I forgot he’s a martial artist therefore his legs is used to doing much exercise that running fast is a piece of cake for him. Seriously, I just want to apologize from before when I made him mad. Jeez. I didn’t even once thought how hard it is to say sorry to someone. It’s my first time doing it. I am not used to apologizing that’s why when I followed him even if I want to say just two little words ‘I’m sorry’ it just won’t came out of my mouth. What’s wrong with me… When I hurt other people, I don’t mind at all but when I saw that stupid bunny guy angry , I have this urge to follow him and say sorry for what I did.

Aish! Cho Kyuhyun, you’d better find him and say what’s on your mind.

Think. Kyuhyun. Think.

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