Everyone knows expect them

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“Who’s that girl?”

“she looks so cute.”

“she’s somehow familiar.”

“Is that Sungmin? She’s a girl?”

“I thought she’s a boy.”

“wahhhh, she’s so cuteee!”

Gossips and Murmurs again can be heard once they saw Sungmin entered the school, they are walking through the hall.

“yahhhh, I wanna go home and change my clothes again! I hate getting this much attention! Noooooo~!” Sungmin screamed trying to go back but was stopped by Eunhyuk, Donghae and Ryeowook. Kyuhyun was just playing his game console.

“Minnie, why’s that, You look so cute right now, you are a girl so it’s okay for you to be like that.”Donghae explained to Sungmin.

“But hae, I’m not used to it anymore, I hate this… I don’t wanna receive many attention anymore. Yahhh!”

“Hey, pretty lady, it’s my first time to see you here, You look so cute.”

“Yeah, are you free later? Let’s have a date?”

Some random guys went towards Sungmin and said those.


But then the two boys looked scared all of a sudden, why not? There’s an evil aura behind the girl they are hitting on, his stares are like knife that’s going to stab them anytime soon, His glare that’s saying ‘stay-away-from-my-property-you-assholes’, he is like a demon who just escaped hell.

“Uhh… we’re sorry Miss, Forget what we said. Bye” they said then they ran away.

Sungmin looked at Donghae and Ryeowook.

“Is there something wrong with my face that they are scared of me?”

“It’s not you Minnie, it’s your SECRET ADMIRER that’s very scary, he doesn’t want anyone to hit on you.” Eunhyuk explained to Sungmin giving a long strength voice on the ‘secret admirer’ part. And they all just laugh except Sungmin who is clueless to what Eunhyuk was talking about and Kyuhyun who is like staring only to his game console after scaring the two boys away.

aish, that’s the reason that I told her to change her uniform, she’ll just grab many attention. Those bastards, I’m going to kill them if they try to hit on her again’ Kyuhyun thought.

“Well then guys, I need to help Donghae go to her classroom, apparently she’s not our classmate, she’s in section B, so see ya.” Eunhyuk excused himself and Donghae.

“Bye, Hae, let’s see each other later at the cafeteria during Lunch time.”

“Bye Hae”

Ryeowook and Sungmin keeps on waving their hands to Donghae.

“Seems like monkey learns to be a gentleman for her.” Kyuhyun said.

“at least Eunhyuk is a gentleman, unlike other people who’s like a brat and a jerk.” Sungmin whispered but both Ryeowook and Kyuhyun can hear it.

“what did you just say you amazona? Are you referring to me?”

“I didn’t say anything. I never even once said a name, you’re just guilty,” and she smiles to Kyuhyun

Then she drags Ryeowook to their classroom. “Comeon Wookie, let’s go, let’s leave that big bad wolf there.” Then she ran but looking at Kyuhyun sticking her tongue out “bleh.”

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