May the best man wins

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it's already the sign that it's Lunch time.

“Minnie let’s go, I think Donghae is waiting for us in the cafeteria.”Ryeowook said once she got near the table of Kyuhyun and Sungmin.

“Okay Wookie.” Sungmin happily replied.

When Sungmin stand up, she turned around and looked at Kyuhyun who is lousily playing his game console again.

“Kyu…hyun, do you want to eat lunch with us?” Sungmin asked him shyly.

Kyuhyun just looked at her.

‘what’s this amazona girl’s problem? Why is she being nice to me and not freakinly yelling or whatsoever and she’s also asking me to eat lunch with them, doesn’t she hate it when I tag with her?’ He thought.

“I was just wondering if you want to eat Lunch with us… and also thank you for this morning, I’m really glad by what you said. Thank you…Kyu”

kyu? Did she just called me Kyu? She even called me by my nickname.’ He thought.

“Kyu?” he asked her.

“yeah, that’s your nickname right…do you hate it when I call you that…I won’t call you Kyu ever again…s…sorry.” She explained to him.

“uhh, No, I don’t hate it…I was just surprised.” He replied to her shyly then he touched Sungmin’s forehead.

“Are you sick or something, Please don’t be nice to me, I’m not used to it… you’re definitely scaring me…I like the usual Sungmin whose always angry whatsoever, Don’t force yourself to be nice when you're not. And also You know you shouldn’t wear white underwear when you’re in school because it’s so damn sexy.” Then he winked at Sungmin.

Sungmin just blushed and her anger suddenly blurted out of her.

“yah! Cho Kyuhyun you pervert! You…You just looked at my…my… aishhh! I hate you.”

“Now that’s better. I am not used to with you not being an amazona you know”

“shut up you pervert!”

“Don’t worry, right now, I’m only a pervert for you. Minnie” Kyuhyun said her nickname seductively in her ears that she’s now as red as a tomato.

“yah! I will really kill you you know,”

“Try it, Honey.” Kyuhyun then starts running and Sungmin following her blushing, both of them left Ryeowook who is just walking towards their direction. They are all going to the cafeteria but the two are chasing each other.

“Omona, my wife is following me, Stop her before she rapes me” Kyuhyun’s been yelling while he’s running.

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