15-Battle With The Wolf Witch

Start from the beginning

Before she could use magic to free herself and attack my wolf, Kid shot a barrage of shots at her, keeping her from moving.

She was definitely a strong witch to not die from Kid's attacks. This was my chance, she was completely immobilized.

"Drake! Drew!"


Our souls began to resonate as we all yelled in unison, "Let's go, soul resonance!"

The twin's gauntlet forms grew into large, glowing claws. In an instant, I charged toward Oakley as Kid's gunshots ceased.

It seemed like everything was in slow motion as I leapt at Oakley with my claws raised, watching the fear grow in her eyes.

"Dragon Claw!"

"Wolf Spike!"

I felt a stabbing pain in my side as my claws sliced through her body. Back on my feet, the spike in my side disappeared along with Oakley's body.

Her purple soul floated where her body once was. I absorbed it into my palm.

In an instant, the pain I had suppressed during battle came back as my strength left my body. I fell to the ground, exhausted from my battle.

Kid's pov


I rushed over to her fallen form. Her shadow wolf seemed equally concerned about her.

Looking at her bloody, wounded body, I lifted her up into my arms. I could hear the twin's worried voices.

"Luna! Are you okay?!"

Her eyes were closed as her breathing was heavy. I looked at the large wolf.

"Please, take us back to Death City!"

The large wolf crouched down, allowing me onto its back. It immediately took off back toward the city.

I held onto Luna, not caring if I got blood on me. "Just hang on, Luna! You're going to be okay!"


I heard her weak voice as she mumbled my name. She was losing consciousness as we neared the city.

Entering the city, the wolf didn't stop. It took us all the way to the DWMA. The wolf disappeared as the weapons all changed back to human form. I carried Luna through the halls to the Death Room.

"Father, Luna's badly injured! She needs help!"

My father summoned Naigus, who quickly took Luna to the infirmary. I called the rest of the gang to let them know what had happened.

They rushed over and I explained the situation while we all waited around to hear from Naigus. She soon came out of the room.

I quickly asked, "How is Luna? Is she okay?"

"She's going to be fine. She just needs some rest."

Everyone sighed in relief. We all quietly entered to see Luna, bandaged up and lying in bed, still unconscious. The others began leaving, since it was late, except for me and the twins.

Drake eventually said, "I guess we'll be heading home too."

Drew nodded. "Luna's resting, which is what we should be doing."

I looked at them both. "You guys go ahead. I'll stay here."

They both smiled and quietly left. I sat beside Luna's bed, watching her sleeping form. I didn't care how late it was, I wasn't leaving her side.

I was surprised when my father entered the room. "Hey, Kid. How's she doing?"

"She's fine. She's just resting."

I explained to him about the battle and Oakley's death. He simply nodded in understanding.

"Luna's a strong person, I believe she could pull through almost anything."

I nodded in agreement. My father approached me and said, "Staying here when everyone else has gone home, I can tell you really care about her."

I looked away from him as he patted my shoulder before quietly leaving. I returned my gaze to Luna's beautiful face.

A smile tugged at my lips as I watched her. I'll stay here all night if I have to. I won't leave until she's awake.

Luna's pov

I slowly opened my eyes, looking around to see that I'm in the academy's infirmary. Feeling something warm on my hand, I turn my head to see Kid.

With his head resting against the bed and his eyes closed, his hand rested on top of mine. I could see sunlight pouring in through the window.

Did Kid stay here all night? A small smile crept across my lips at the thought. Then the events of last night played through my head.

Oakley's dead. Finally, after so long. I noticed Kid beginning to stir and watched as his eyes slowly opened, his golden orbs looking straight at me.

"Luna, you're awake. How do you feel?"

I groaned. "Like I've been hit by a truck. But I'm also relieved that it's finally over."

He slowly nodded. "Luckily, all your injuries will heal. You're going to be okay."

I sighed. "It's thanks to you, Kid. If I hadn't been so stubborn and let you help me sooner, I wouldn't have gotten this many injuries. I deserve this as my punishment for being such an idiot, thinking I could take her on my own."

I felt his hand gently squeeze mine. "Don't say that, Luna. You're not an idiot, and you don't deserve this for making one, simple mistake. Please don't say that about yourself."

I looked at him in surprise before smiling. "Thanks, Kid."

His thumb began rubbing circles on the top of my hand as he asked, "What about the curse?"

My smile faded as I raised my other hand to my chest. "Oakley's death didn't break my curse. I can still feel the wolf inside me. But I feel a new control over it now."

"So you won't transform unless you want to?"

I nodded. "I guess I'll always have a bit of wolf in me."

"Which is perfectly fine, because either way, you're still you."

He gave me a warm smile which I happily returned. The sound of the door opening caused Kid to pull his hand away from mine.

We looked to see the whole gang entering the room. Everyone crowded around me, talking about how happy they were to see that I was alright.

It was a good feeling, knowing that everyone was worried about me. We all talked a bit until Naigus came in, shooing the others out so she could check on my injuries.

Maple's pov

I circled around the area where my sister fought against Luna. I can't believe she's gone.

"Just you wait, Luna. I'll make you pay for my sister's death."

I flapped my wings and flew away from Death City. I will get my revenge.

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