14 : On Teachers' Nerves

Start from the beginning

"Then do everyone a favor. Since it doesn't seem to matter to you, why don't you work harder on your absences and save us the trouble of having you here," Mr. Bae said.

"Fine by me but sonsaengnim, I don't think everyone shares your sentiments. See, they like me here, unlike someone I know who just loves to make everyone's lives miserable," Kai smirked. Your classmates gave Kai a horrified look while some were trying hard not to laugh.

"Kai-ya," you saw Sehun whisper as he worriedly tugged at Kai's shirt from the back

"Aish! This idiot," Chanyeol murmured behind you while facepalming himself.

You on the other hand, just stood there looking like an idiot, watching back and forth at Kai and your teacher. Mr. Bae looked like he was ready to devour Kai any moment now.

"U-uhm teacher," you interrupted. Mr. Bae and everyone's attention now turned to you. "U-u-uhmm..."

What now? You thought in panic. You never really had any intention to say anything, let alone throw yourself in the middle of their battlefield. Mr. Bae was looking more and more agitated by the moment.

"Uhm, I'm sorry for not moving beforehand. This will not happen again. I'm moving now," you bowed.

"There's no need," he said icily. "We're having a long quiz. I don't want to see anything on your tables except for your pens and a sheet of paper! Number one!"

Everyone hurriedly cleared their tables and rummaged for a piece of paper, including you.

"...the place where the Renaissance took place. Number two, the century when it happened. Number three," Mr. Bae said without waiting for the class to be ready or even giving a pause after each question.

"Joo Ri," Chanyeol poked you in panic.

"What?!" You asked also in a panic since you were still scribbling your answer for number one but Mr. Bae was already throwing question number four.

"Paper! Give me paper. Hurry!" Chanyol said.

"Alright! Alright!" You murmured as you took a sheet of paper and handed it to Chanyeol. "Here."

"Thanks!" Chanyeol quickly took it.

"No talking! Song Joo Ri and Park Chanyeol, thirty-point deduction!" Mr. Bae announced. "Number six!"

What?! And thirty points! How long is this exam anyway?

The exam lasted for the whole period, with a total of seventy five items. Mr. Bae immediately walked out of the room after collecting all the papers. Your classmates sighed at the end of hell period and groaned at the same time, probably because nobody was prepared for the exam, except perhaps for Kris who looked as calm as he ever did. You slumped on your table, feeling worse than down.

"Thirty-point deduction, and I was only able to answer less than thirty items. I'll get a negative score!" You groaned as you ruffled your bangs in misery.

"It's just one exam. There are still more to come," Kai told you.

"You! This is all your fault!"

"What?" He simply said.

"Don't 'what' me," you told him, massaging your temples.

"I was trying to help you," he told you.

"D-don't use me as an excuse for your rude behavior. Besides, I wasn't asking for your help," you retorted.

"You're welcome," he answered.

"Whatever," you murmured and slumped back on your desk.

Aish! What is it with these two? You groaned, referring to Kai and Chanyeol. If they keep this up, I'll fail in no time.

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