10 : Locker Room Myhem

Start from the beginning

"I didn't even get to enjoy my lunch," you slumped on your desk.

Your world history teacher came in which made everyone return to their seats. The class turned very quiet. Even Chanyeol was behaving decently. You guessed he must be very strict or something. You went to him and gave him your class schedule. He looked at it without interest, signed it, and returned it back to you. You hurriedly went back to your seat. You were still sweating profusely. You took your handkerchief from your pocket and started wiping your sweat away. You were about to flip it open when you noticed that it wasn't yours. It was the handkerchief that Kris gave you.

Oh shoot! I must've taken the wrong handkerchief out of haste this morning!

"Your books to page ninety-seven," your teacher instructed. "Song Joo Ri, share with Wu Yi Fan's book."

"Sir?" You questioned, having no idea who's the Wu Yi Fan he was talking about.

"Wu Kris," he restated in a way that made you feel stupid.

"A-ah, yes sir," you stuttered. You were about to place Kris' handkerchief back on your pocket.

"What are you still doing? Move your desk and do it quickly. Don't let the whole class wait for you," he impatiently said.

"Y-yes, sir," you answered in a panic. You immediately stood up and moved your desk to adjoin Kris'.

"The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century," he started reading even though you were not done yet.

You put your desk down and accidentally dropped the handkerchief when you sat down. You rushed to pick it up but Kris beat you to it. He paused when he saw that it was his. He stared at his sweat-drenched handkerchief then at you.

"Sorry I'll clean it again," you yelped as you swiftly grabbed the handkerchief from him.

"Song Joo Ri, is there something you want to share to the rest of the class?" Your teacher inquired sternly.

"Uhm, no sir," you nervously answered.

"Nobody talks while I'm talking," he said to the whole class though you know he was particularly aiming it at you. He went back to reading the textbook. You silently groaned in your seat.

I hate this day!

Kris shoved the book closer to you. You looked up at him. His eyes were fixed on the texts in the book and he acted as though nothing happened. You groaned again and prayed that the day would end fast.

Hell period finally ended. Everyone gave a sigh and did a stretch as though they have just finished a very tiring day. You moved your desk back and slumped on your seat.

"Don't mind that grumpy old troll," Chanyeol told you.

"I hate him," you said.

"That makes all of us," Sehun said.

"I can't wait for classes to end. I'm definitely getting that pin," Chanyeol said and pointed at the pin on your chest.

"Ya! Leave me alone!" You told him.

"Sorry Joo Ri, but a new phone and a month of cleaning duties exemption is too hard to ignore," he shrugged. You glared daggers at him, then at Sehun.

"I'm not joining!" Sehun said.

The rest of your afternoon classes went smoothly, and you were thankful that your other teachers weren't half as bad as your history teacher. The bell finally rang. You stood from your seat and immediately, all eyes were on you. Chanyeol suddenly grabbed you by the arm. He pinned your back against his chest and encircled his long arms around your shoulders.

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