complete opposites

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so, wassup?

I've had a horrible time this weekend, and I don't even know why. it just feels awful.

I blame school. serisly though, ap human geography is killing me with hw, and I was stressing out about the lemonade stand I had to do today. trust me, going back and forth from the school kitchen to the stand on the other side of campus was NOT fun. plus it was really embarrassing walkin around with a lil cart I got from the office.

we made $53 for the whole lunch period, so that's good.

I had my first math test today, and it was rlly easy except for the last question. I didn't eat lunch because of the stupid lemonade stand, so I was really tired the whole day, and everything was giving me a headache.

guess what? apparently I had an orthodontist appointment today, so I missed that. now my mom is pissed and shes literally called me twice today just to yell at me about it. I swear that woman is crazy sometimes. but I love her anyways.

the only good thing that happened today was my new basketball shoes arriving, and that was awesome.

But if we're being honest here, the highlight of my weekend was Niall's birthday, and since I'm a dedicated Niall girl, (as you might be able to tell) I spent the day worshipping the piece of white bread. who wouldn't?

man, I just realized something. u guys might not know this, but Zayn was actually my original favorite. u know, before he left the band. so if someone asked me who my fav was, I'd say zayn if he counted. four in our eyes, five in our hearts :')

but thinkin about it now, its such a dramatic change in favs. zen is this dark, badass, hotter than the sun, dude who is kinda mysterious who's into R&B music. then u have neil, who is so super light, happy, a literal bundle of sunshine who loves making ppl happy.

complete opposites. so how is it possible to make that sort of change? well, u see, I'm an ambivert, which is in the middle of introvert and extrovert. cool ayla.

so I guess u can say I have many different personalities. for example, the me in this book is totally different from me with my "friends".

I was gonna talk about that more in this update, but im not really up for it rn, so...

adios :)))))))

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