guess what

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so, I just got home from my second day of school and since I missed writing about the first day imma do it now.

when I arrived at school via bus, one of my friends (let's call her Patricia) found me immediately. she gave me so many hugs I'm telling you, it's crazy. then I walked to first period which was English. my teacher was chill and today we made collages for our comp books so that's cool.

second period I had AP human geography which I did a summer assignment for, and guess what? BACONATER DIDNT EVEN COLLECT IT TODAY OR YESTERDAY.

his name is literally mr.bacon and he's a vegetarian like what is up here. he gave us hw which was to do an outline on six pages without teaching us the correct way to do an outline :) I can't tell u how happy this:) makes:) me :)))))))

third period I had honors biology which I think is cool but I hate the teacher for some reason. plus I have no friends in that class so :))))))) luckily some three year old pulled a fire alarm so the whole school had to evacuate the school for the rest of the period. on my way into the building I saw this one dude that goes to my Sunday school and I was like, woah, I didn't know u go here.

I was really surprised when I found out that not everyone eats in the cafeteria like I was expecting some hsm shit and everyone dances in there. but no most ppl sit outside with their crew. I ain't got a crew, I got Faith, who eats with the band boys, who I don't even talk to cuz I was in orchestra all through middle school up until this point. so lunch was awkward.

next I had intro to marketing. I roamed the 500 building trying to find it but I eventually ran out of hall. so I went outside to start over, and guess what? IT WAS FREAKIN RIGHT OUTSIDE THE WHOLE TIME, RIGHT ACROSS FROM MY LUNCH SPOT WTF

I blame myself tbh. the class was chill but kinda scary cuz I was the only freshman girl there and I wasn't about to go sit next to the other freshman. nah uh. but the teacher was cool she actually did the nae nae. goals asf

honors Spanish was full of popular kids from middle school, and I had like no friends in that class. screw my life. I was expecting the teacher to be old but she was actually pretty young and pretty much spoke only Spanish. good thing I can understand it. mi nombre en español es Rubí.

my last period was Honors geometry, and this teacher wasn't as chill as the others but she was nice. we had our first lesson today and I have hw :)))))))))

but that's not the best part. some of the teachers have TAs (teacher assistants) and you'll never freakin believe who the TA was in this class. THE DUDE FROM MY SUNDAY SCHOOL. he literally sat like a yard behind me, and I was freaking out cuz idk if he even recognized me or nah. I'll admit, he's cute, but I've never had a conversation with him and I think he's either a senior or junior so idk.

but yeah, homecoming is on sept 19 and im probs not going cuz a) my parents won't let me or b) I ain't got no arm candy

hoped u enjoyed this rant better than I enjoyed school


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