The guy stood from his crouch and looked at you as though he had not expected anyone to be there. You glanced above but there was nothing there to fall from, unless he jumped from the gym's rooftop which was meters high. You stared back at him in both surprise and confusion. He looked as surprised and confused as you. You couldn't make out his face clearly since the spot he was standing on was slightly dark.

The both of you just stared at each other for a good few seconds when he suddenly covered your mouth and grabbed you into the small space between the gymnasium and the building beside it. He pinned himself against the gymnasium wall with your back tightly pressed against him. You struggled on impulse but his hold on you was firm.

Oh God. Is this where I get raped? Oh, right. I'm not rape-worthy..., you relaxed a little until you remembered what kind of place you were in. Oh crap! Monsters! He's gonna devour me!!

You struggled harder, kicking aimlessly but he only tightened his hold on you and pressed you closer to his body.

"Ssshhh," he whispered softly behind your ears. Just then you heard a loud thud from the gym's roof above, as though something had just landed there. The sound made you jump and stiffen at the same time. From the wall across you appeared a shadow of something you had not seen before. It had a head and a body just like a human's, but it also had long horns and sharp claws. You didn't dare look above you to see the real thing and just fixed your eyes on the shadow. It moved its head around, as though it was looking for something. It gave a low growl before it took off and flew away.

I-it can fly... and it had horns and sharp c-claws...

The guy released you from his grasp and your body turned instinctively to face him.

"Ya, breathe," he said as he slightly shook your shoulders. You didn't realize you had been holding your breath.

"Haaah!" You took in a lungful of air and fixed your eyes back on him. You pushed him away and pinned yourself against the opposite wall. "Please don't eat me!"


"I taste bad!"

He just stared at you as though you grew five heads. He then placed his knuckles over his lips and clutched his stomach. He was shaking. It was your turn to stare at him in question. You realized that he was laughing so hard that he leaned on the wall for support.

"Ahhhh," he finally said as he took a deep breath. "You seriously thought I was going to eat you?"

"You won't?"

"No," he chuckled. "But I can't say the others won't."


"Watch your back. You wouldn't want to become someone's dinner," he smirked and sprinted out of view.

"Wait!" You ran after him but you can no longer see him anywhere. "Huh? Did he fly too?" You wondered as you glanced at the sky.

"Lu Han?"

You turned to see the guy who was dancing at the gym earlier. He was at the gym gate, looking around for someone. Now that he was a little closer, you saw that he was actually handsome.

Okay. Another drop-dead gorgeous monster. I could get used to this.

"Oh, sorry. I thought I heard one of my friends," he said to you.

"Actually, there was someone here a while ago," you told him, feeling a little surprised and excited that he was actually talking to you.

"Is that so? He must not have noticed that I was here," he said. "Do I know you?" He suddenly asked though not in a rude way.

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