Chapter 34

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"Could you..." I felt very uncomfortable asking this. "I'm gonna be late for music class." I blurt out, staring at the ground.

I could talk softly but it didn't hurt to anymore. I still needed that formula if I wanted to continue singing.

And fast.

When I finally look up, I find Karen smirking at me. "What should I tell them?"

I thought hard, should I tell them a lie or the truth? I ended up shrugging at her.

She nods, "I'll make something up."

I smile gratefully at her, and shoot off in the direction of the nurse's office.

I've heard Dr. Green sometimes takes over the office. I pray I won't run into him.

I make it there in record time, right before the bell goes off.

I glance inside and listen hard for anyone in there. When I hear nothing, I slip inside.

Taking a deep breath, and study my surroundings.

It was a typical nurse's office. With white counters and some chairs here and there. Only two cabinets and beds.

I have to say, I wasn't impressed.

I rifled through the cabinets, searching for the correct medicines for my formula.


I had all the chemicals needed to make my formula except this one spice. It made me throw up after so no poison would stay in my system.

I could die without it.

Feeling the shift of air and hearing the click of the office door opening sent me diving under one of the beds after stuffing all the medicine in the secret compartments of my backpack.

I smelt something horrid from where I lay, sprawled u gracefully on the cool tiled floor.

A scurring sound filled my ears and I turned my head slightly to the left, careful not to hit my head on the metal column and loose my cover.

I saw a small grey figure under the bed, it's tail swishing back and forth.

Back and forth.

For some reason, that is what caught my attention. Not that he was smelly. Not that he was a rodent. Not that he was chewing on a can wrapper.

It was the tail that was swishing back and forth.

Images flashed through my head. Images of a belt flicking up and down. Images of a finger wagging from side to side.

Images of punishments. Images of blood and pain.

My breath caught and unshed tears filled my eyes. The images wouldn't leave my mind and I tried mentally pushing them out.

I imagined stuffing them all into a plastic bag ang shoving them away and out of my mind.

It didn't work.

The images increases and I started trembling. Images made a U-turn and was now bugs crawling up my skin.

They stopped mid way on my arms, their multiple black legs digging into my skin.

I shook violently, trying to shake them off. My hands scratched my arms but there was nothing there. Yet the feeling and image stayed.


Blood spurted from the tips of my fingertips and I bit my lip to keep from crying out.

Who ever was here in this office would certainly find me if did that.

I kept my teeth on my lower lip, drawing blood. Blood filled my mouth and dribbled down my chin.

My breathing increased and I couldn't stay under the bed anymore.

I crawled out and spit blood on the tile, choking. Blood still poorer from my fingertips, pooling into a puddle on the white tiled floor.

I couldn't help it anymore, I screamed. A loud, blood circling scream.

I'm pretty sure the whole school heard it.

I heard a gasp and running footsteps towards me. A blurry image through my tears showed me a blonde head with green worried and slightly panicked eyes.

My trembling increased.

Dr. Green figdeted, not knowing what to do. He started with getting bandages and cloths that were soaked in water.

But when he dabbed them on my fingertips, I screamed even more.

That feeling of bugs returned and I saw that same image and feeling of being watched by the beetle that is stuck to my skin, it's legs digging and drawing blood.


I slumped foward, into Dr. Green's lap.

I was way too tired and worn out by my episode to be mortified.

Dr. Green knows my secret. Dr. Green knows my secret.

I start loosing conciousness.

"Please don't tell..."

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