Chapter Five

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Mathew's point of view

"Hand over the boy and I won't blow your brains out." The tattooed, dark clothed man held a gun to Ethan's back. I acted quickly, pressing my the muzzle of my gun to the mans back.

"If you do so much as to even touch him, I will fucking kill you right here. Right now." I growl, roughly jabbing my gun in his back. He smirked as he turned to me, lowering his gun. Behind him, Ethan lowered Troye to the ground. He grabbed the mans head, cracking it. He fell to the ground unmoving. He's dead.

"C'mon, Ethan open the fucking doors! " I shout, picking Troye's unmoving body off the gravel. Ethan unlocks the doors and I lay Troye down on the backseats under the blanket covering the sniper rifles. I stare at him for a moment before getting in the passengers side and buckling up.

Ethan backs out of the spot, running over the dead mans leg. "Are we going back to the motel?"

"Yeah, to pack everything up and get the fuck out of Sydney. After we assassinate a few criminals, of course." I put the mans gun in my back pocket, crossing my arms as I look back at Troye ever so often. Since the poison they used on him isn't deadly he should be waking up soon. Hopefully.

"Who do we have to kill?" I ask, wanting nothing more than to avenge Troye. Though he isn't dead, they almost killed him. Therefore I must kill them.

"Nestor and Nikolay Aptekar." Ethan pays no mind to the unconscious body in the back of his Jeep, instead focusing on the road as he speeds down the highway.

"Aren't- aren't those the men who nearly killed me on my last mission with Troye in Dallas?.." I thought they got locked up for good six years ago. Guess I was wrong.

We were in the middle of an abandoned factory, running for our lives while searching for the two Russian men. I hid behind an old shelf, squinting to see in the dark room. I watched as a dark figure slowly approached me, stopping a foot in front of me. I took the safety off my gun, aiming it at the stranger.

"Matt, it's just me, Troye!" He whisper-shouted, crouching down. I sighed in relief, lowering my weapon.

"Get the fuck down," I pull him to my side. "Have you seen them anywhere?"

"No. But I heard a rustling sound a few hundred yards to our left." He whispered, his warm breath trickling down my neck. A shiver ran down my spine and I got to my feet. He grabbed my arm, pulling me back down.

"Where do you think you're going? You're gonna get us both killed!" I swat at his hand, making him let go of me.

"I know what I'm doing, Troye." I hold my gun in the correct position for firing as I slowly walk closer and closer to the rustling sound. I look over my shoulder to see Troye not too far behind me, holding his gun in position. I get a closer look, seeing two dark figures. One of them gets up, charging towards me.

I kick him in the shoulder, making his gun to clatter to the cold, hard floor. I kick it across the room, far from the mans reach.

"Fucking asshole!" The six foot plus Russian man kicks me down, I stare at him in shock for a moment before I snap back into reality, kicking him where the sun doesn't shine. He groans in pain, continuously punching me in the left shoulder.

I hear gun shots go off and the man falls to the floor. Troye shot him twice in bicep and leg. I get back up, looking around for the mans partner in crime.

"Matt, get down!" Troye shouts, and before I can react I feel a bullet go straight through my right shoulder, my gun clattering to the ground as I scream in pain. "F-Finish the job, T-Troye." I clutch at my wounded shoulder, sitting up with great difficulty.

I hear loud footsteps and Troye disappears from sight.

"Yeah, that's them. They've been on the run for the last four years. I called it in when I found them lurking around Troye's hotel room often. Mathew, I think he knows he was being followed."

"But if he knew, then why didn't he do anything about it? Why didn't he contact the agency?"

"Maybe he knew I was still watching him, I don't know. He still has his spy-like instincts, so we won't know anything for sure until we interrogate him."

"But why would they come back for him after all these years?" I glance at Troye again, suppressing tears.

"I don't know, but I'm determined to find out."


We already packed up all of our stuff from the motel, discarding out phones in the Sydney harbor. We got our new ones from one of our Allies, Daniel Howell. He's an expert on firearms and weaponry. He'll help us assassinate Nikolay and Aptekar.

"When's the little fuck going to wake up? I've got guns to load and people to kill." Dan paces around the dim room, clicking his tongue impatiently.

"Patience, Daniel. His water was tampered with."

"Well he better get over it and wake up."

"You go ingest poison and wake up within six hours. I dare you." I scowl at him as I approach the chair Troye's tied to. I stop in front of him, stroking his prominent cheekbone with my thumb. Just like old times..

"Matt, wait." Troye called out to me, grabbing my wrist.

"Wait for what, Troye? You let me get stabbed on our mission. Partners are supposed protect each other, not try and get each other killed!" I cringe in remembrance of the ugly stab wound on my thigh.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you from all means of harm, Matt. But he was torturing you, if you didn't get stabbed it could've costed us the entire mission- you would've gotten your brains blown out." I won't fall to my knees and except his apologies like I always do. I instead keep walking, heading towards my apartment.

"Try again when I'm not pissed at you." I call over my shoulder as I stay on the dirt road, walking further and further away from the agency's main base.

"I have a giant scar over my ribcage from one of my first missions- my old partner wasn't very.. dependent."

"Go away." I sniffle, quickening my pace.

"Matt, I'm so sorry that you'll have to live with that memory for the rest of your life.. But just hear me out." He continues to follow me.

"I said, go away!" I shout, turning to face him. He looks surprised for a second before quickly snapping out of it. He slowly walks closer to me, stopping a foot away from me. I don't move, I'm far too hurt to -emotionally, of course-.

"Matty, you don't really want me to leave, do you?" He looks almost hurt as his hand slides up to lightly cup my cheek. I lean into his touch, lightly shaking my head as the tears began to flow freely. His thumb lightly stroked my cheekbone, wiping away my warm, salty tears in the process.

He leaned in close until his lips were just centimeters away from mine. My eyes flutter shut and I inch closer. "Don't go." I whispered just before he pressed his soft, warm lips against mine. I inhaled deeply through my nose, my hands traveling up to grip onto his leather jacket.

He always knew how to make me feel at ease.

I retract my hand, stuffing it in my pocket. "He should be waking up any minute." I mumble.




God I love the flashbacks so fucking much.. Gah, I'm losing it! Aghh.. Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying this story. I'm working really hard on it. (The action scenes are really difficult to write..) (action scenes, as in fighting and shit.. Not kissing and secks..🌚).



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